Reinforcement Learning is Direct Adaptive Optimal Control
Reinforcement Learning is Direct Adaptive Optimal Control
Stanford_cs229-notes12_Andrew_Ng Reinforcement Learning and Control
How should Reinforcement learning be viewed from a control systems perspective?
Control problems can be divided into two classes:
- regulation and tracking problems, in which the objective is to follow a reference trajectory.
- optimal control problems, which the objective is to extremize a functional of the controlled system’s behavior that not necessarily defined in terms of a reference trajectory.
Tracking vs Optimization
In some problems, the control objective is defined in terms of a reference level or reference trajectory that the controlled system’s output should match or track as closely as possible. Stability is the key issue in these regulation and tracking problems.
In other problems, the control objective is to extremize a functional of the controlled system’s behavior that is not necessarily defined in terms of a reference level or trajectory. The key issue in the latter problems is constrained optimization; here optimal-control methods based on the calculus of variations and dynamic programming have been extensively studied.
When a detailed and accurate model of the system to be controlled is not available, adaptive control methods can be applied. The overwhelming majority of adaptive control methods address regulation and tracking problems. However, adaptive methods for optimal control problems would be widely applicable if methods could be developed that were computationally feasible and that could be applied robustly to nonlinear systems.
For example, trajectory planning is a key and difficult problem in robot navigation tasks, as it is in other robot control tasks. To design a robot capable of walking bipedally, one may not be able to specify a desired trajectory for the limbs a priori, but one can specify the objective of moving forward, maintaining equilibrium, not damaging the robot, etc.
For both tracking and optimal control, it is usual to distinguish between indirect and direct adaptive control methods. An indirect method replies on a system identification procedure to form an explicit model of the controlled system and determines then the control rule from the model. Direct methods determine the control rule without forming such a system model.
Control problems | Tracking problems | Optimal problems |
Trajectory | Yes | Not necessary |
functional | No | Extremize a functional of the controlled system’s behavior |
Adaptive control methods
explicit model |
Indirect (system model)/Direct | Direct (no system model, Q-learning)/Indirect |
Present reinforcement learning methods as a direct approach to adaptive optimal control.
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is based on the common sense idea that if an action is followed by a satisfactory state of affairs, or by an improvement in the state of affairs (as determined in some clearly defined way), then the tendency to produce that action is strengthened, i.e., reinforced. This idea plays a fundamental role in theories of animal learning, in parameter-perturbation adaptive-control method, and in the theory of learning automata and bandit problems. Extending this idea to allow action selections to depend on state information introduces aspects of feedback control, pattern recognition and associative learning. Further, it is possible to extend the idea of being “followed by a satisfactory state of affairs” to include the long-term consequences of actions.
Conserved and Nonconserved Quantities
A conserved quantity cannot be created or destroyed and therefore has no sources or sinks; for conserved quantities such as atomic species i or internal energy U,
For nonconserved quantities such as entropy, S,
: the rate of entropy production per unit volume.
A flux of i, describes the rate at which i flows through a unit area fixed with respect to a specified coordinate system.
Studies of reinforcement-learning neural networks in nonlinear control problems have generally focused on one of two main types of algorithm: actor–critic learning or Q-learning (they are direct adaptive optimal control algorithms). An actor–critic learning system contains two distinct subsystems, one (value) to estimate the long-term utility for each state and another (policy) to learn to choose the optimal action in each state. A Q-learning system maintains estimates of utilities for all state-action pairs and makes use of these estimates to select actions.
The name “Q-learning” comes purely form Watkins’ notation.
The objective is to find a control rule that maximizes at each time step the expected discounted sum of future reward. That is , at any time step k, the control rule should specify action ak so as to maximize
where γ , 0 ≤ γ < 1 , is a discount factor.
Reinforcement learning methods such as Q-learning do not estimate a system model. The basic idea in Q-learning is to estimate a real-valued function, Q , of states and actions, where Q(x,a) is the expected discounted sum of future reward for performing action a in state x and performing optimally thereafter. This function satisfies the following recursive relationship (or “functional equation“):
The Q-learning procedure maintains an estimate of the function Q. At each transitions from step k to k+1, the learning system can observe xk , ak, rk, and xk+1. Based on these observations,
is updated at time step k+1 as follows:
remains unchanged for all pairs (x, a) ≠ (xk, ak)
: gain sequence (learning rate) such that
Watkins has shown that converges to Q with probability one if all actions continue to be tried from all states.
Because it does not reply on an explicit model of the Markov Process, Q-learning is a direct adaptive.
The Q function, combines information about state transitions and estimates of future reward without replying on explicit estimates of state transition probabilities.
Representing Q Function
Like conventional DP methods, the Q-learning method given by (1) requires memory and overall computation proportional to the number of state–action pairs. In large problems, or in problems with continuous state and action spaces which must be quantized, these methods becomes extremely complex (Bellman’s “curse of dimensionality”). One approach to reducing the severity of this problem is to represent not as a look-up table, but as a parameterized structure such as a low-order polynomial, k-d tree, decision tree, or neural network. In general , the local update rule for
given by (1) can be adapted for use with any method for adjusting parameters of function representations via supervised learning methods. One can define a general way of moving from a unit of experience (xk , ak, rk, and xk+1 as in (1) ) to a training example for
This training example can then be input to any supervised learning method, such as parameter estimation procedure based on stochastic approximation. The choice of learning method will have a strong effect on generlizatoin, the speed of learning and the quality of the final result. This approach has been used successfully with supervised learning methods based on error backpropagation, CMACs, and nearest-neighbor methods.
Reference about Optimal Control
- Q-learning and Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle
- Lecture10_Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle
- Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control Methods for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems
- RL_and_Optimal_Control_A_Selective_Overview_Slide
- Q-learning_for_Optimal_Control_of_Continuous-time_systems
- Slides_New Developments in Integral Reinforcement Learning Continuous-time Optimal Control and Games
- On_Stochasitc_Optimal_Control_and_Reinforcement_Learning_by_Approximate_Inference
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