Neural-network-based decentralized control of continuous-time nonlinear interconnected systems with unknown dynamics
Neural-network-based decentralized control of continuous-time nonlinear interconnected systems with unknown dynamics
– Math and Optimal Control
Problem formulation
Consider a continuous-time nonlinear large-scale system ∑ composed of N interconnected subsystems described by
xi(t) ∈ Rni : state.
The overall state of the large-scale system ∑ is denoted by
ui [ xi(t) ] ∈ Rmi : control input vector of the ith subsystem.
fi : continuous nonlinear internal dynamics function. fi (0)=0.
gi[ xi(t) ] : input gain function
Zi [ x(t) ] : interconnected term for the ith subsystem.
The ith isolated subsystem
Decentralized control law
Optimal control
Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control Methods for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems
Page 27-29 2.3 Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problem is the same as Definition 1.
: state.
: control input.
Cost function for the system Eq. 2-5:
where t : initial time.
r(x,u) ∈ R : immediate or local cost for the state and control.
where Q(x) ∈ R continuously differentiable and positive definite.
R ∈ R m x m : positive-definite symmetric matrix.
Optimal value function:
: set of admissible controls.
Bellman’s principle of optimally can be used to derive the following optimality condition
which is a nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE), also called the HJB equation.
Optimal control: (using convex local cost in Eqs. 2-7 and 2-9.)
For the control-affine dynamics of the form
Eq. 2-10 -> in terms of the system state
The HJB in Eq. 2-9 can be rewritten in terms of the optimal value function by substituting for the local cost in Eq. 2-7, the system in Eq. 2-11 and the optimal control in Eq. 2-12, as
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