Actor-Critic Algorithms for Hierarchical Markov Decision Processes
Actor-Critic Algorithms for Hierarchical Markov Decision Processes
Actor-Critic Algorithms for Hierarchical Markov Decision Processes
Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning: Integrating Temporal Abstraction and Intrinsic Motivation 当环境给的奖励少而延迟时,论文给出了一个解决方案:agent至始至终只有一个,但分两个阶段:1总控器阶段,选goal,2控制器,根据当前state和goal,输出action,critic判断goal是否完成或达到终态。重复1,2。总控器选一个新的goal,控制器再输出action,依次类推。我理解它把环境“分”出N个时序上的小环境,与每个小环境对应1个goal。agent实体在这种环境下可以等效为一个点。 The key is that the policy over goals πg which makes expected Q-value with discounting maximum is the policy which the agent chooses, i.e., if the goal sequence g1-g3-g2-… ‘s Q-value is the maximum value among that of all kinds of goal sequences, the agent should… read more »
Meta Learning Shared Hierarchies Notation S: state space. A: action space. MDP: transition function P(s’, r|s, a), (s’, r): next state and reward, (s,a): state and action. PM : distribution over MDPs M with the same state-action space (S, A). Agent: a function mapping from a multi-episode history (s0, a0, r0, s1, a2, r2, …… read more »
Hierarchical Policy Gradient Algorithms Math Notation M : the overall task MDP. {M0, M1, M2 , M3 , . . . , Mn } : a finite set of subtask MDPs. Mi : subtask, models a subtask in the hierarchy. M0 : root task and solving it solves the entire MDP M. i : non-primitive subtask, paper uses… read more »
Hierarchical Actor-Critic Download Hierarchical_Actor-Critic Flowchart Terminology Artificial intelligence Optimization/decision/control a Agent Controller or decision maker b Action Control c Environment System d Reward of a stage (Opposite of) Cost of a stage e Stage value (Opposite of) Cost of a state f Value (or state-value) function (Opposite of) Cost function g Maximizing the value function… read more »