Barnard Trustees
Early Barnard Trustees Data Set, 1889 – 1914
Early Trustees Addresses, 1889 – 1914
Trustee Addresses, 1915-1939 Appointees
First Board of Trustees, 1889
Trustee Roster, by Appointment Year, 1889 – 1920
Trustee Roster, by Appointment Year, 1921 – 1945
Trustee Roster, by Appointment Year, 1946 – 1970
Individual Trustee Biographies
Annie Nathan Meyer
George A. Plimpton
Bursar N.W. Liggett to Trustee Treasurer George A. Plimpton, June 20, 1906
Note on Collective Biography of Early Barnard Trustees
Barnard Trustee Data Set
Oral History Interviews of Trustees
Helene F. Kaplan, BC ’55 — Interview by Rosalind Rosenberg
Eleanor Elliott, BC ’49 — Interview by Rosalind Rosenberg
Gedale Horowitz, CC ’55 — Interview by Bob McCaughey
Gale Robinson, BC — Interview by Bob McCaughey