Overview Note on Barnard Enrollments
[and Implications for Commuter/Residence Mix]
Early Barnard annual enrollments reached 100 by 1899, with 22 graduates a year
500 by 1910, with 150 degrees or so a year
Only dorm temporary in Fiske (1898-1901) for 70 students
Brooks opened in 1907 – could accommodate less than half the enrollments and was slow filling
VCGildersleeve deanship (1911-1947)
Inherited Barnard in 1911 with 600 enrollments/150 degrees
Grew to 1000 enrollments/250 degrees by 1926
Never exceeded that level, perhaps in late 1920s by choice, but in early 1930s confronted annual
drops into the low 900s; back up to mid-1920s levels during WW II
Only increase in residential students with opening of Hewitt in 1925
Millicent McIntosh deanship/presidency (1947-1962)
Inherited a Barnard with 1200 enrollments/300 graduates annually
Grew slightly to 1500/375 during her 15-year tenure
Increased % of residential students with construction of Reid Dormitory and purchases of 616 and 600 West 116th Street
Rosemary Park presidency (1962-1967)
From 1500/375 to 1800/400
Martha Peterson presidency (1967-1975)
1800/400 to 2050/400
Opening of Plimpton eases some pressure for on-campus housing
Jacquelyn Mattfeld presidency (1975-80)
2050/400 to 2500/600 ‘The Mattfeld Bulge”
On-campus housing at a premium; source of conflict with students
Ellen Futter presidency (1980-1993)
2500/600 modest decline to 2200/550
Purchase of Elliott Hall; renting space at 110th St.
Opening of Centennial/Sulzberger Hall assures housing for all admits
Judith Shapiro presidency (1993-2008)
2200/550 back up a tad to 2300/600
Debra Spar presidency (2008 – )
2300/600 to 2500/650
No additions to dormitory stock
Last updated: March 1, 2015
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