Register of Barnard Chief Administrators, 1889 – 2017
Ella Weed (1853 –1894)
b. Newburgh, NY
Vassar 1873
Headmistress of Miss Annie Brown’s School, 1882-1894
A Foolish Virgin: A Novel (1883)
Trustee and paid “Chairman of the Academic Committee” 1889- 1894
October 1893 – illness leave
Died, January 1894, age 41
Emily James Smith (1865-1944)
b. Canandaigua, NY, 1865
Bryn Mawr 1889
Girton College, Cambridge, 1889-91
Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn, teacher of Greek, 1891-93
University of Chicago, Graduate Fellow, 1893-94
Named Ist Dean of Barnard College, 5/11/1894 (at 29) – 2/1/1900
On leave 2/99 – 9/1899 — Thomas Fiske acting dean
Married publisher George Haven Putnam, April 1899
Resigned February 1, 1900
Later taught part-time at Barnard until death of husband in 1931
Died 1944, age 79
Laura Drake Gill (1860-1926)
b. Chesterville, Maine, 1860
Smith College, 1881
Mathematics teacher, Northampton, Mass, 1882-1898
Red Cross administrator, Spanish American War, 1898-1900
2nd Dean of Barnard College, began January, 1901, at age 40
Resigned June 1907
later involved in women’s placement services at colleges in the South
Died 1926, age 66
Interim – acting dean and provost, Willian Tenney Brewster, 1907-1911
Virginia C. Gildersleeve (1877-1964)
b. NYC, 1877
Barnard AB 1899
MA Columbia 1900
Teaching English at Barnard, 1901-1905
Columbia graduate student, 1905-08
PhD in English literature, 1908
Instr. and Ass’t Professor of English, Columbia and Barnard, 1909-11
Named 3rd dean of Barnard, February 1911, at 34
On leave in Europe spring 1921
Sabbatical and sick leave, 1930-1932
Retired after 36 years as dean in 1946
Retired to Westchester and then Cape Cod, 1947-1964
Many a Good Crusade (1954)
A Hoard for Winter (1962)
Died 1964, age 87
Millicent Cary McIntosh (1898-2001)
B. Baltimore, Maryland, 1898
Bryn Mawr AB 1921
Johns Hopkins PhD in English, 1924
Bryn Mawr assistant professor and administrator, 1924-1928
Headmistress, The Brearley School, NYC, 1930-1946
Married Dr. Rustin McIntosh, 1931 ; 5 children
Started as Barnard’s 4th dean, 1947, at 49
Title change to president, 1952
Retired, June 1962
“Reminiscences of Millicent Carey McIntosh”: CU oral history, 1966
Retired with husband to Tyringham, Mass.
Died 2001, age 102
Rosemary Park (1907-2004)
b. Andover, Mass., 1907
Radcliffe AB
University Cologne PhD in German Literature, 1929
Professor and administrator, Connecticut College, 1934-1946
President Connecticut College, 1947-1962
Installed as Barnard’s 2nd president, July 1962, at 55
Married 1966
Resigned, effective June 1967
Joined husband at UCLA, where she became an administrator
Died 2004, age 97
Interim, Dean of Faculty, Henry Boorse, July – November 1967
Martha Peterson (1916 – 2006)
b. Outside Jamestown, Kansas, 1916
University of Kansas AB 1937
Academic administrator, U. Kansas and U. Wisconsin
PhD, University of Kansas 1959, educational psychology
Dean of Women, U. Wisconsin
Installed as Barnard’s 3rd president, November, 1967, at 51
Inauguration, April 1968
Resigned May 1975, to become president of Beloit College
President Beloit College, 1975-1981
Died 2006, age 90
Interim, Dean of Faculty and acting president, Leroy Breunig
Jacquelyn Anderson Mattfeld (1925 – )
B. Baltimore, Md., 1925
Goucher College AB
Yale University PhD in musicology
Administrative posts at Radcliffe. MIT and Sarah Lawrence
Brown Provost 1973-75
Selected as Barnard’s 4th president, November 12, 1975, at 50
Installed June 1976
Inauguration, November 1976
Fired/Resigned May 29, 1980
Subsequent administrative posts on West Coast
Director C. G. Jung Center, Evanston, Illinois
Retired, Evanston, Illinois
Ellen V. Futter (1949 -)
B. NYC, 1949; raised on Long Island
University of Wisconsin, 1967-69
Barnard AB, 1971
Columbia Law J.D., 1974
Associate, Milbank, Tweed, 1974-1980
Acting president, July 10, 1980 (2 months short of 30th birthday) – April 1981
Installed as Barnard’s 5th president, April 1981, age 31
Resigned effective October, 1993
President, American Museum of Natural History, 1993 –
RMc interview with EVF, June 25, 2015
Interim, Vice president and acting president, Kathryn Rodgers, July 1993-April 1994
Judith R. Shapiro (1942 – )
B. Queens, NYC, 1942
Brandeis College AB, 1963
Columbia University PhD in anthropology, 1969
Assistant professor, U. Chicago, 1969-1974
Sex Roles and Social Structure Among the Yanomami Indians of Northern Brazil (1972)
Asoc. Professor and Professor of Anthropology, Bryn Mawr College, 1975 – 1985
Provost, Bryn Mawr College, 1986-1993
Installed 6th president of Barnard College, June 1994
Inauguration October 27, 1994
Retired June 2008
President, Teagle Foundation, 2013 –
RMc interview with JRS, June 22, 2015
Debora L. Spar (1963 -)
B. 1963, Westchester, NY
Georgetown AB
Harvard University PhD in government
Married; 3 children
Harvard Business School professor and administrator
Installed as Barnard’s 7th president, July 2008
Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection (2013)
Resigned, November 2016, effective March 2017 to become president of the Lincoln Center
Interim, Robert Goldberg, COO, March 2017 – June 2017
Sian Leah Beilock (1975 – )
B. 1975, west coast
University of California, San Diego, BS 1997
Michigan State University, PhD in psychology, 2003
Miami University, Ass’t Prof., 2003-05
University of Chicago, Ass’t Prof., 2005-08; Asoc. Prof., 2008-12; Professor, 2012- 17
Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives, 2014-2017
Married; 1 daughter
Choke: What the Science of the Brain Reveals about Getting It Right When You Have To (2011)
Installed as Barnard’s 8th president, May 2017
Inauguration scheduled for February 8, 2018
Presidential Prosopography
12 administrative leaders to date
1 “Chair of Academic Committee” (Weed)
3 deans (Smith/Gill/ Gildersleeve)
1 dean & president (McIntosh)
7 other presidents (Park/Peterson/Mattfeld/Futter/Shapiro/Spar/Beilock)
3 in NYC (Gildersleeve/Futter/Shapiro)
3 other New York (Weed/Smith/Spar)
2 New Englanders (Gill/Park)
2 Baltimore (McIntosh/Mattfeld)
1 Kansas (Peterson)
1 California (Beilock)
2 Barnard ABs (Gildersleeve/Futter
5 Sisters (Weed/Gill/Smith/McIntosh/Park)
1 Brandeis (Shapiro)
1 Goucher (Masttfeld)
1 Georgetown (Spar)
1 Kansas (Peterson)
1 UCal/San Diego (Beilock)
Graduate Training
3 Columbia (Gildersleeve/Futter/Shapiro)
1 Yale (Mattfeld)
1 U. Kansas (Peterson)
1 Michigan State (Beilock)
1 University Cologne (Park)
1 U. Chicago (Smith)
1 Johns Hopkins (McIntosh)
1 Harvard (Spar)
1 Germany (Gill)
1 None (Weed)
Prior Occupations
6 in academic administration (Park/Peterson/Mattfeld/Shapiro/Spar/Beilock)
5 earlier college instructors (Gildersleeve/McIntosh/Shapiro/Spar/Beilock)
2 school administrators (Weed/McIntosh)
4 earlier school teachers (Weed/Smith/Gill/Peterson)
1 attorney (Futter)
1 hospital administrator (Gill)
Age at Start
Average age – 43
Youngest – Futter (29)
Oldest — Park (55)
Age at End
Average age – 54
Youngest – Smith (34)
Oldest – Gildersleeve (70)
Average – 11 years
Shortest – 5 years (Weed/Smith/Park/Mattfeld)
Longest – 36 years (Gildersleeve)
Reasons for Leaving