III. Student/Alumna Numbers

III. Student/Alumna Numbers

N — Upwards of 45,000 women have graduated from Barnard between 1893 and 2015.  Another 7500 or so attended but did not graduate, and another 2500 are now attending.

For most of the detailed profiles,  sampling involved selected graduating classes:  1893- 1895; 1899; 1914; 1939; 1964; 1971; 1989; 2015. In other instances, where the information was irregularly accessible, for those graduating classes where it was accessible.

III. 1a. Annual Enrollments by Year, 1889-90 to 2014-2015
III. 1b. Annual Degrees Awarded by Year, 1893-2015

Admissions Data [ as available]
III.  2a. Applications for Admission by Entering Year, 1889 – 2015
III. 2b.  Admitted Students by Entering Year
III. 2c.  Accepting Students by Entering Year
III. 2d. First-Year Class by Entering Year

III. 3a. Students by Graduating Class and Ancestry
III. 3b. Students by  Graduating Class and Race
III. 3c. Students by  Graduating Class and Religion
III. 3d. Students by Graduating Class and Pre-Barnard Residence

III. 4a. Students by Graduating Class and Preparatory Circumstances

Barnard Experience
III. 5a. Students by Graduating Classes and Residential Status at Barnard
III. 5b. Students by Graduating Classes and Academic Major
III. 5c. Students by  Graduating Classes and Academic Honors

III. 6a. Alumnae by Post-Graduate Study, 1893-1920
III. 6b. Students by Selected Graduating Classes and Primary Occupation
III. 6c. Students by Selected Graduating Classes and Marital Status