Barnard 125
The History Group Blog
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Alumnae Interviews
Amanda Breen Interview with Linda Zappulla
Andrea Polk-Stephenson ’71 Interview — Adele Bernhard
Anne Prescott Interview — Elizabeth Moye
Barnard Majors and Careers, 1910
Barrie Tait Collins, ’49 Interview — Elizabeth Moye
Carol Berkin ’64 Interview — Sarah Thieneman
Caroline Lange — What Was Expected of Early Barnard Alumnae?
Ellen V. Futter, BC ’71 — Interview
Frances Hamermesh, BC ’65
Galchus Interview with Dorothy Deburg
Gayle F. Robinson, BC ’75 — Interview
Janet Price ’71 Interview — Kelly Reller
Jenna Davis Interview of Adrienne Schure
Jennifer Davis Interview of Adrienne Schure
Karla Jay, BC ’64, Interview — Gina Masino
Marcia Sells Interview by B. McCaughey
Paula Franzese ’80 Interview by Elizabeth Moye
Prominent Alumnae
Stehanie Brandt ’72 Interview — Paula Pinsky
Vivian Gruder, BC ’57 — Interview
Zapulla ’71 Interview
Appendices Index Page
Administrative Appendix
Administrative Heads of Barnard College, 1889 – 2019
Chief Faculty Officers of Barnard College, 1908-2019
Chief Financial Officers of Barnard College
Chief Financial Officers of Barnard College
Buildings & Grounds Appendix
Barnard Bursar N. W. Liggett to Barnard Trustee George A. Plimpton, June 20, 1906
Explanatory Notes
Note on Barnard Fundraising to Word War II
Note on Barnard-Columbia Relations
Note on the Faculty Homebody Index
Note on Minorities and Minority Admissions
Note on Students’ Financial Circumstances
Note on the Geographical Origins of Entering Classes
Faculty Appendix
#1624 (no title)
Barnard College F/Time Instructional Staff, by Rank and Gender, by Selected Years
Barnard College Faculty Appointees, 1990-2018
Barnard College Faculty by Gender & Appointment Eras
Barnard College Faculty by Mean Years of Service, Gender & Appointment Era
Barnard College Faculty, 1889 – 2019, [By Last Name]
Barnard College Faculty, 1965-1989
Barnard College Instructional Staff, 1914
Barnard Faculty by AB Locale & Appointment Era
Barnard Faculty by Appointment Year, 1889 – 2019
Barnard Faculty by Field, Selected Years
Barnard Faculty by Race/Ethnicity, Selected Years
Barnard Faculty by Rank, Selected Years
Barnard Faculty, 1940-1964
Barnard Faculty, by Appointment Year, 1915-1939
Barnard Students by Live-In Servants in Parents’ Residence, 1893 – 1913
Career Outcomes of Barnard College Faculty by Eras
Faculty by AB Source, by Appointment Era
Faculty Homebody Index, by Eras
Survival Rates Among Assistant Professors, 1965-1975
Survival Rates Among Assistant Professors, 1980 – 2003
Finances Appendix
Barnard College Revenues, 1889-90 to 1892-93
Students/Alumnae Appendix
. Barnard College Graduating Classes by Hometowns
Barnard Classes by Parental Nativity, Selected Years
Barnard College Admissions Data, 1950 – 2019
Barnard College Annual Enrollments, 1889-90 to 2018-19
Barnard College Enrollments, 1889 – 2019
Barnard Graduates, 1893 – 2019
Barnard Graduating Students by Academic Majors
Barnard Students by Racial/Ethnic Composition
Barnard Students Religious Affiliation Entering Years
Barnard Students with Pell Grants
Early Barnard Alumnae by Post-Graduate Study, 1893-1920
Social Profile of Barnard Class of 1910
Social Profile of Class of 1899
Trustees Appendix
Barnard Board of Trustees by App’t Year, 1889 – 1914
Barnard College Trustees, 1915-1939
Barnard Trustees by Appointment Year, 1889 – 2019
Barnard Trustees by Era and Occupational Field
Original Barnard College Board of Trustees, 1889
Trustees by Era & Residence
Trustees by Era and Gender
Trustees by Years of Service and Appointment Era
Barnard Sources & Archives
Brief Barnard Bibliography
Barnard Beginnings: An East Side Story
Barnard Campus and Buildings on Morningside
Barnard’s Magnolia Tree — Caroline Lange
Move to Morningside
Barnard-Columbia Relations Post 1968
Columbia Presidents since 1864
Frederick A. P. Barnard
Dodging the Merger Bullet: Why It Didn’t Happen
10. Barnard Rising
10. Barnard Rising
10. New York, New York
11. New York, New York
12. Going Global
2. East Side, West Side: A Tale of Two Cities
3. Becoming Barnard: A Place in the City
4. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Gildersleeve?
5. Barnard in the Twenties
5. Good Times: Barnard in the Twenties
6. Lean Times: Barnard in the Thirties
6. Tough Times: Depression, War & Other Distractions
Deans /Presidents
Barnard Presidents’ Profiles
Charles S. Olton Interview by BMcCaughey
Debora Spar Bio — Caroline Lange
Ella Weed
Ellen V. Futter — Biographical Outline
Ellen V. Futter Bio — Mollie Galchus
Ellen V. Futter Bio –Lizzie Moye
Ellen V. Futter — Brief Bio — Lauren Malotra-Gaudet
Ellen V. Futter: A Biographical Note
Emily James Smith Bio — Gina Masino
Emily James Smith [Putnam]
Gildersleeve as Dean — Notes
Jacquelyn Mattfeld
Jacquelyn Mattfeld Bio — Amanda Breen
Mattfeld Presidency
Judith R. Shapiro
Judith R. Shapiro, Interview
Judith Shapiro Bio — Federica Rottaris
Laura Drake Gill
Laura Drake Gill — Bio — Adele Bernhard
Martha Peterson bio — Kelly Reller
Martha Peterson — A Biographical Note
Millicent C. McIntosh
Millicent McIntosh — A Biographical Note
Millicent McIntosh bio — Leora Boussi
millicent McIntosh Bio — Paula Pinsky
Millicent McIntosh Bio — Sarah Thieneman
Presidential Briefs
Rosemary Park
Rosemary Park Bio — Jenna Davis
Virginia C. Gildersleeve (1877-1965) — A Timeline
Virginia C. Gildersleeve — Powerpoint Presentation
Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve
Virginia Gildersleeve
Notes for a Gildersleeve Biography
Rosalind Rosenberg, “Virginia C. Gildersleeve” (2006)
Virginia C. Gildersleeve Timeline
Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeeve
Woloch, “Note on VCG Biography” (2015)
6. Tough Times: Depression, War and Other Distractions
7. Against Nostalgia: The McIntosh Era
7. Against Nostalgia: The McIntosh Era
7. Those Were the Days: The McIntosh Era
8. Into the Storm
8. Into the Storm
9. Saying No to Zeus
9. Saying No to Zeus
Annie Nathan Meyer — 1888 article in The Nation
Bursar Liggett to Treasurer Plimpton, June 1906
Ch. 1. What’s a New York Girl To Do?
Ch1. What’s a New York Girl to Do?
F. A. P. Barnard, Three Annual Reports, 1879, 1880 & 1881
Annette Karr Baxter
Anthropology Department Historical Roster
Barnard Faculty by Department & Appointment Year
Barnard Faculty by Department & Appointment Year, 1946 – 1970
Barnard Faculty by Field & Appointment Year, 1889 – 1920
Barnard Faculty, 1889 – 1914
Barnard Faculty, 1915-1939
Barnard Faculty, by Department & Appointment Year, 1971 – 1992
Barnard Faculty, by Department & Appointment Year, 1993 – 2007
Barnard Instructional Staff, 1889 – 1900
Dr. Jacob Alexander, Chemistry Department — Leora Boussi
First Instructional Staff, 1889
Moye Interview of Peter Balsam
Note on Departmental Foundings
Note on Early Barnard Science Faculty
Note on History of the Barnard Faculty
Science Faculty Since WW II
Science Faculty to 1940
Barnard Finances: A Note
Financial History Primer
Kelly Reller — Early Financial Aid
Major Barnard Benefactors
History 3491 Materials
Calendar for Fall 2019 History 3491x
Fall 2019 3491x Assignments
First Project Menu
For Whom Early Barnard Intended?
Harriette Mogul Interview — Federica Rottaris
McAc: Sarah Thieneman
Meetings Calendar
Oral History Interviews Belating to Barnard
Physical Education in the 1950s — Paula Pinsky
Barnard By the Numbers — Index Page
$1. e. Barnard Tuition as % of Median Annual Household Income
F1. b. Full-Time Instructional Staff by Size, Gender,Status for Selected Years
F1. c. Barnard College F/Time Instructional Staff, by Rank and Gender, by Selected Years
F1.a. Barnard College Faculty by Appointment Eras
F2. a. Barnard Faculty by AB Locale, Appointment Eras
Statistical Appendix to Gotham Sister
F2. b. Faculty by AB Source, by Appointment Era
F2. c. Barnard Faculty by PhD Origins
F2. c. Faculty by Source of Graduate Training/PhD, by Appointment Era
F2. c. Faculty by Source of Graduate Training/PhD, by Appointment Era
F3. a. Barnard Faculty by Field, 1900 – 2017
F3. a. Barnard Faculty by Field, 1900 – 2017
F3. c. Barnard College Faculty by Mean Years of Service and Gender, by Appointment Era
F3. d. Survival Rates Among Assistant Professor Appointees by Appointment Year, 1980 – 2003
F3. d1. Survival Rates Among Assistant Professor Appointees by Appointment Year, 1965-1975
S1. a. Barnard Enrollments, 1889-1900 – 2018-2019
S1. b. Barnard Graduates
S1.d. Barnard College Graduating Classes by Geographical Origins/Hometowns
S1.d. Barnard College Graduating Classes by Geographical Origins/Hometowns
S2. a. Barnard Classes by Parental Nativity, Selected Years
S2. a. Barnard Classes by Parental Nativity, Selected Years
S2. c. Barnard Students Religious Affiliation Entering Years
S2. d. Race/Ethnicity of Barnard Student Body by Academic Year
S2. e. Early Barnard Students by Homes with Live-In Servants
S2. f. Barnard and Sisters by Pell Grants as % of Students
S3. b. Early Barnard Classes by Fraternity Membership
S3. c. Barnard Graduating Students by Academic Majors
T1. a. Trustees by Gender and Appointment Era
T1. b. Trustees by Occupational Fields
T1. b. Trustees by Occupations, 1889 – 2018
T2. a. Trustees by Years of Service and Appointment Era
T3. a. Barnard Board of Trustee Chairs
I. 5. Barnard Instructional Staff by Academic Credentials
I. Faculty Numbers
1. 6e. Instructional Staff by Selected Year, Residence and Gender
Barnard College Faculty by App’t Years, 1889-1914
I. Instructional Staff by Career Outcomes
I. 1a.-1c. Instructional Staff
I. 2a. Instructional Staff by Rank, 1900-1939
I. 3a. Instructional Staff by Teaching Divisions
I. 4a. Instructional Staff By Career Outcomes
I. 6a. Instructional Staff by Selected Year, Birthplace and Gender
I. 6b. Barnard Faculty by Race and Gender
I. 6d. Instructional Staff by Selected Year, Marital Status and Gender
II. Trustee Numbers
II. 5a. Barnard Trustees by Residence
II. Trustees by Marital Status
II. 1a. Barnard Trustees by Appointment Era, Number and Gender
II. 6a. Barnard Trustees by Occupation and Gender
II. 6b. Barnard Trustee Spouses by Occupation
II. Barnard Trustees by Academic Credentials
II. Barnard Trustees by Era, Membership Type and Gender
III. Student/Alumna Numbers
III. 1a. Annual Enrollments by Year, 1889-90 to 2014-2015
III. 1b. Annual Degrees Awarded by Year, 1893-2015
III. 3. Admissions Data
III. 3d. Students by Graduating Class and Pre-Barnard Residence
III. 4a. Students by Graduating Class and Preparatory Circumstances
III. 5a. Students by Graduating Class and Residential Status at Barnard
III. 5b. Students by Graduating Classes and Academic Major
III. 6b. Students by Graduating Classes and Primary Occupation
1910 Class Data Series
Barnard Degrees, 1893 – 1920
Barnard Enrollments
Barnard Enrollments & Degrees, 1940 – 1964
Barnard Enrollments and Degrees, 1970 – 2014
Class 1910 by Religion & Sorority
Class of 1899 Data Sheets
Class of 1910 Data Set
Class of 1925 — Home Addresses
Class Profile — 1910
Commuting to Barnard — Mollie Galchus
Geographical Origins of Barnard Students
Getting There: Queens Students at Barnard
Overview Note on Barnard Enrollments
Profile of Class of 1899
Residences Class of 1910
Residences of Classes of 1910 & 1925
Social Origins of Barnard Students
Student Enrollments, 1939 – 1970
S1. c. Barnard College Admission Statistics, 1950 – 2019
Seven Sisters
#1403 (no title)
Getting In: Barnard, Bryn Mawr and Wellesley
How Does Early Barnard Differ From the Other ‘Sisters’?
Mount Holyoke & Barnard — Sarah Thieneman
Paulina Pinsky — Smith College
Wellesley — Leora Boussi
Short Histories
Notes of Early Barnard Finances
Notes on Barnard as a Seven-Sister College
Notes on Early Barnard Studentdom
Notes on the Barnard Presidency
Notes on the Early History of the Barnard Faculty
Short History of Barnard-Columbia Relations
Short History of Early Barnard Fundraising
Short History of Early Barnard Trusteedom
Barnard College: An Early Timeline, To 1939
Barnard History Timeline, 1889 – 2018
Barnard in the 1970s
Barnard in the 1980s — First Take
Barnard Timeline Since 1945
Barnard-Columbia Relations, 1960s – 1980s
LGBT Barnard Timeline
Opening Thoughts on Post War Era, Part I [1945-64]
Overview of Post WW II Barnard
Annie Nathan Meyer
Annie Nathan Meyer (at 17)
Annie Nathan Meyer — Elizabeth Moye
Annie Nathan Meyer– A Bibliography
The Controversy over Annie Nathan Meyer
Barnard Trustees, By Appointment Year, 1921 -1945
Barnard Trustees, by Appointment Year, 1946 – 1970
Barnard Trustees, by Appointment Year, 1946 – 1970
Barnard Trustees, by Appt. Year, 1889 – 1920
Early Barnard Donors, 1889 – 1920
Early Barnard Trustees Data Set
Early Trustee Addresses
Early Trustees Data Set
Eleanor Elliott Interview by RRosenberg
Federica Rottaris — Religious Affiliations of Early Trustees
First Barnard Board of Trustees, 1889
First Male Trustees — Adele Bernhard
George A. Plimpton
Helene Kaplan Interview by RRosenberg
Interview with Helene F. Kaplan
N.W. Liggett to George A. Plimpton (1906)
Note on Collective Biography of Early Barnard Trustees
Paulina Pinsky — Barnard’s Original Women Trustees
Trustee Addresses, 1915-1939
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Buildings & Grounds Appendix
a. Barnard CampusĀ & Buildings