Prepare files and check netlist
1. Which library files do backend engineers need?
Timing: lib
RC delay: capTable, QRC tech, QRC lib
Physical: lef, gds
Route rule: tech lef, tech file
Xtalk: cdb
Power: VoltageStorm tech, VoltageStorm lib
2. Which files are about design?
Netlist, constraint, IO file, scan def
3. What should be checked before APR?
Check library files, version, unit whether are right.
Check timing, make sure pins/unit have constraint.
check_timing -verbose > ./dbs/check_timing.rpt
Check design, no input floating, no output term (exclude three-state gate) shorted.
checkDesign -physicalLibrary -netlist -timingLibrary -nohtml -outfile ./dbs/check_design.rpt
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