Decentralized Optimal Control of Distributed Interdependent Automata With Priority Structure
Decentralized Optimal Control of Distributed Interdependent Automata With Priority Structure
Data Flowchart
: subsystem model, the plant P i , deterministic finite-state automaton.
(4) : P i can be transitioned from state
into state
if the input l is applied.
It encodes with
that the transition
is possible with at least one input. (6)
To this one-step
reachability, Ri formalizes the possibility of transferring P i between an arbitrary pair of states. (6)
models that state j is reachable from state h by at least one input sequence in at most ni state transitions.
for any transition
specified for Pi through the state transition function (or the set of state transition matrices
). Possible interpretations of such transition costs are the time, the control effort, and/or the energy required to steer P i
by the use of the control input
, i.e.,
can encode state and control costs.
over all
: The minimal costs for transferring the subsystem from the state
Problem 1: Subsystem independent of other subsystems
The task is to compute a state-feedback controller,
which realizes for any arbitrary initializationan input sequence
that leads to an admissible run
- The final state is the goal
- The state-feedback control law has the structure:
- The costs of
are minimal over all admissible runs to transfer Pi from
(9): , in order to trigger the next state transition. The selection of Ki according to the solution of (10) produces the
, and establishes an optimal controller for Pi with
Synthesis Algorithm for Independent Subsystems
Compute controller matrix, and the part of costs referring to the goal state.
Control of Distributed Systems with Linear Structure
Task of Distributed Controller Synthesis
Assumption 3 : Any subsystem is completely controllable:
Proposition 2 : Let be a pair of 2 connected subsystems for which an admissible run is a sequence of state pair
according to Definition 2 with
. The structure is completely controllable if P1 and P2 on their own are completely controllable according to Assumption 3.
Proof : Since the transition of P2 are independent of the current state of P1 , and since subsystem P2 is completely controllable, a sequence of inputs exists to transfer P2 from an arbitrary initial state
Thus, P2 is able to deliver any arbitrary output sequence (and thus admissible run
) to subsystem P1 , i.e., any condition formulated for P1 in terms of the dependence matrix
is satisfiable by P2 . Since P1 itself is completely controllable as well, a sequence of input
exists which transfers P1 into an arbitrary goal state
Problem 2: Two subsystems
For 2 subsystems , let the goal states
be defined. The control task is to compute 2 local feedback control laws, which generate for any initialization
, the input sequences
, such that the following hold.
- The admissible runs
follow from controllers of the following type:
(11) with vectors
, and matrix
as in problem 1, and
- The global path costs are minimal
Thus, the solution is targeted to provide local controllers C1 and C2 for P1 and P2, such that the latter are driven from an arbitrarily chosen initial state into the respective local goal state, while the sum of the transfer costs for both control loops is as small as possible.
1. when C1 receives the information from P1 that state is reached ,
2. C1 sends the request to C2 that P2 has to reach as a temporary goal state. This state is encoded in K1 in order to realize a cost-optimal path of P1 into its goal state
3. Then, C2 realizes a path of P2 into . If the path comprises more than one transition, the pair (P1,C1) waits in state
until P2 has reached
the index k’ in Fig. 4 is meant to indicate that (P2,C2) evolve, while (P1,C1) wait in step k).
4. When P2 attains , C2 communicates to C1 that the requested state is reached .
5. Eventually, the control input supplied by C1 together with
send by P2 triggers the state transition in P1 .
Control of Distributed Systems with Tree Structure
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