UPDATE: Due to recent changes at Education Pioneers, the information session originally scheduled for November 7 has been canceled. We encourage you to attend their upcoming webinar on November 27, 5:00 to 6:00 pm EST for more information.
For assistance with the application, please schedule an appointment with us. In the meantime, you can also review their tips on the application process.
Interested in using your degree and professional experience(s) to transform education from outside of the classroom?
If so, join us for a special opportunity to connect with a recruiting manager from Education Pioneers to learn about their PAID Summer Fellowship opportunity!
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
12:30 – 1:30 pm
Room C05
Education Pioneers recruits, develops, and connects top professionals to work for K-12 school districts, charter schools, and other education organizations in non-instructional roles. Fellows complete a 10-week summer placement using existing skills and experience to make the biggest impact, typically in roles that focus on data analysis, project and program management, strategy, and operations.
During their placement, Fellows participate in leadership development programming alongside a cohort of diverse peers designed to build the mindsets and K-12 knowledge necessary to become a change agent in education.
For more information, click here.