Register for the 2020 Social Enterprise Conference!

The 19th annual Social Enterprise Conference, Capital for Good is going virtual! The Digital Event Series, hosted throughout the academic year, will cover a range of topics in the social impact capital space.

Unlike past years when the event was in person, this year’s conference is entirely free of charge!

The conference will bring together industry leaders, investors, philanthropists, professionals, faculty, students, and alumni to share best practices and engender new ideas surrounding the intersection of capital and society. Speaker presentations will catalyze conversations of change and embolden a generation to take risks in order to create a world in which everyone, regardless of where they were born, has the equal opportunity to succeed in creating a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities.


10:00 AM – 1:45 PM

Register now →

Digital Event Series

Don’t miss out on an upcoming event! Sign up for their newsletter to receive updates on their latest event programming.


October 30, 2020
November 13, 2020
December 4, 2020
January 22, 2021
February 5, 2021
February 19, 2021
March 12, 2021
March 26, 2021


Capital for Justice: Using Impact Investing for Racial Equity | The .06%: Founding and Fundraising as Women of Color | Solving Renewable Energy Intermittency: Can the United States Rely on 100% Renewables? | Sustainable Fashion | News + Money | Sustainable Real Estate Development | Impact Investing | ESG Investing | Scaling Social Impact for Social Ventures | Sustainable Farming | Microfinance | Education Reform | and more!

NYPCC Virtual Career Fair for Bilingual MSWs | Wednesday, September 30

Message from the New York Psychotherapy and Counseling Center:

Calling all Bilingual MSWs, MHCs, & MFTs, You’re Invited to NYPCC’s Virtual Career Fair on September 30, 2020 from 1:30 P.M. until 2:30 P.M. In order to attend this virtual career fair, either click on our flyer (below) or click on the following link:

Please be advised that if you’ve already interviewed with NYPCC and/or were able to meet with someone during our last virtual career fair, we are still reviewing your resume and ask that you not attend this particular fair. We want to make sure to give those that we haven’t met yet the same opportunity that you received!

Once registered, upload your resume to one of the following links.

*Please note that we are hiring for all locations and you should apply to whichever location is most convenient for you:

For the Bronx:

For Bushwick:

For Linden (East New York):

What to Expect:

During our virtual career fair, once candidates connect to the zoom meeting, they will be placed in our waiting room, asked to wait for the host to let them in, and seen in the order of arrival. Please be patient with us as we are excited to meet with all of you and want to make sure that we are being fair and giving everyone the time that they deserve.

Exclusive Global Career Resource for Students and Alumni

Did you know that as a student or graduate of Columbia School of Social Work, you have free access to GoinGlobal, an international career resource for both domestic and international candidates?

Whether you are interested in pursuing an opportunity across town or around the world, take a look at GoinGlobal, including their country and city career guidesdirectory of employers, H1B visa employer listings, and opportunities in 120 locations worldwide.

With the changed employment landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have recently added a wealth of new resources to support your job search.

Take a look at the links found on their homepage sidebar “Job Search During COVID”:

    • Working During a Pandemic – forward thinking job search and networking tips
    • COVID Career Advice – timely news articles covering a range of topicsGlobal
    • Employment Briefings – areas of job promise in key countries

You can also find new economic information in their country career guides under “Snapshot” and “Job Search Overview.” Note every country guide has a dedicated section under “Finding a Job” about “Telework and Freelance.”

To learn more about the site’s features and resources, take a look at their user training schedule.

Communities of Color Virtual Networking Event | Monday, November 9

Image by febrian eka saputra from Pixabay

The offices of Career Services and Leadership Management, Development and Alumni Relations, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are pleased to invite you to our 3rd Annual Communities of Color Virtual Networking Event on Monday, November 9, 2020.

All those who identify as students of color/ BIPOC are encouraged to participate!

Meet and mingle with a group of distinguished alumni of color, learn about their career paths and trajectories, and get tips and advice on navigating your own path as a professional of color in this dedicated virtual support space.

The list of featured alumni can be found below.

Event Details

Monday, November 9, 2020
6:30 – 8:30 pm ET
Platform: Zoom

The event will open with a 45-minute panel discussion and Q&A featuring select alumni guests. Thereafter, you will have the opportunity to engage in two rounds of small group networking with one or two alumni per group. 

*Pre-registration is required. Sign up here using your LionMail account ASAP. We ask that you only register if you are able to attend.

FEATURED ALUMNI (Read their full bio HERE)

Nadine Rose Carole ‘13 (SEA) – Program Manager at Facebook

Chris Eagar-Finney ‘13 (AGPP) – Psychiatric Social Worker II at Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

Brandon Hadi ‘20 (SEA)  Program Manager at Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP)

Kazuko (Kazu) Kato ‘13 (POL) – Engineering Analyst at Booz Allen Hamilton

Erick Nunez ‘15 (AGPP) Director of Specials Projects & Therapist at Soco Rey Therapy

Gwenelle  Styles O’Neal ’81 (POL) – Professor at West Chester University

Lorenzo Shaw-Graham ’20 (AGPP) – Program Associate, at Council on Social Work Education

Whitney Stewart ’14 (POL) – Senior Consultant-National Security at Guidehouse

Martinique (Marti) Teperman ‘06 (ACP) – Deputy Director of Social Services and Family Engagement at East Harlem Tutorial Program

Suzanne Towns ’01 (AGPP) – Deputy Executive Director at DC Workforce Investment Council

Welcome Fall 2020 Students!

The Office of Career Services and Leadership Management would like to extend a warm welcome to our Fall 2020 class!

We look forward to meeting you and discussing your career plans as you further your education and training to promote social justice, equity, inclusion, and the overall well-being of others as anti-racist practitioners.

Want to get a head start on the conversation? Join us on Thursday, September 3 at our Career Q&A session for new students! See details within your Orientation materials.

Career Connect

Later this week, you will be receiving access to our exclusive career management system, Career Connect!

Please keep an eye out for a welcome email from: [email protected] (It’s not spam!). It will include instructions on how to schedule appointments, register for future career events, access career-related resources, and more.