Job Search

For a sample list of post-graduate fellowships and summer opportunities, refer to this fellowship page.

For guidance on finding opportunities on campus, refer to our On-Campus Employment Guide.

For links to additional resources for career exploration and job search, take a look at our Document Library within Career Connect: Students | Alumni

Employment Outlook

Bureau of Labor Statistics

CSWE National Workforce Initiative

NASW Social Work Salaries

NASW Social Work Specialty Occupational Profiles

Social Work Employment Outlook Summary

Job Search Sites

1199 SEIU Employment Center (hospital opportunities for alumni)

Association for Public Public Analysis and Management (APPAM) Job Listing

Career Connect for Students | for Alumni (CSSW only)
*More links within the Document Library

Chronicle of Philanthropy (nonprofit jobs)

Daybook (political, policy, and non-profit jobs)

Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA)

Governing (government jobs in states, cities and counties throughout the nation)

Health Workforce Connector (behavioral health clinician opportunities across the country)

Human Rights Careers

Impactpool (international development career resources and job search tools)

Idealist (nonprofit, government, and other social impact jobs)

Mental Health Service Corps (MHSC) at NYC Health + Hospitals (workforce development program for early career clinicians)

NASW Job Link – Nationwide | NY | NJ | CT

National Service / AmeriCorps | NYC Service AmeriCorps Programs

Net Impact Social Impact Job Board

Network for Social Work Management (NSWM) Career Center

New York City and State Jobs (jobs in government, business, nonprofit, lobbying, labor, and media)

New York Nonprofit Jobs

Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York (NPCC)

Nonprofit New York

NYC Civil ServiceNYC: ATWORK (for people with disabilities) | Citywide Openings | Mayor’s Office | Mayor’s Office of Appointment Resume Portal (use referral code #ColumbiaSSW2022) | NYC Council

NYC Mental Health Careers

NY State Civil Service | NY State Government | NY State Government Internships | Local Government LMSW/LCSW Opportunities

Other Top Nonprofit / Social Sector Job Sites

Philanthropy News Digest by Candid (nonprofit and philanthropy)

Philanthrosee (entry-level roles in philanthropic sector)

ProFellows (professional and academic fellowships)

Public Service Careers (public service, public affairs jobs)

Reconsidered (social impact, sustainability, and CSR jobs)


Social Service Jobs

Social Work Job Bank

U.S. House of Representatives Employment Opportunities

U.S. Senate Opportunities

USAJOBS | Pathways Programs | Social Work (Federal Jobs)

VA Social Work

Exclusive Subscriptions

Interstride (job search tools, educational webinars, and networking platform for international students and globally-minded candidates)

GoinGlobal – Students | GoinGlobal – Alumni (national and global job search tools and resources and H1B visa employer listings)

Vault (job and employer profiles and career tips)