
Symbolic Netlist to Innovus-friendly Netlist

  run_lc_dc.csh \rm lc_shell*.log \rm dc_shell*.log ############################### # 1 gen *.db by *.lib # for example, AND_OR_INV.db. ############################### # get asap7nm/AND_OR_INV.db lc_shell -64bit -f gen_AND_OR_INV_db.tcl > lc_shell_AND_OR_INV_db.log ############################### # 2 syn symbolic netlist to Innovus-friendly *.v by *.db ############################### # test simple circuit (MAJ1-INV-MAJ2 symbolic expression) netlist by AND_OR_INV.db dc_shell -64bit -f MAJ1-INV-MAJ2_syn_AND_OR_INV_db.tcl > dc_shell_MAJ1-INV-MAJ2_syn_AND_OR_INV_db.log… read more »

Remote access to the Linux Servers

Linux User   1.Right Click to open a new terminal 2.Connect to eitx server with your netid and password with the following command ssh -X <NID> note:use your UCF NID to replace the <NID> above   Macintosh User   Install X11 from the Apple OS Disc or Enable X11 Forwarding sed ‘s/#X11Forwarding\ no/X11Forwarding\ yes/’… read more »

Cadence Virtuoso

I used Cadence® Virtuoso® to design layout for Electromigration (EM) Test Pad for tape-out with Harris Corporation and ICAMR in Fall 2016, partner was Novati Technologies, Inc. who I submitted GDSII to. Map file was from MOSIS: The test pad size: 120um x 120 um. Pitch: 250um, which means 130um spacing between 2 test… read more »


>newgrp project_name_old >cp project_name_old/debug.tcl . >exit >newgrp current_project_name >chgrp current_project_name debug.tcl # old script access permission for other users should be modify to current project >chmod 775 debug.tcl Copy old project scripts debug.tcl to current project, let other users in current project to access to debug.tcl.


echo $DISPLAY shvcut03:29.0 gvim ~/.display setenv DISPLAY shvcut03:29

Linux/Unix file permissions

Permission Types Each file or directory has three basic permission types: read – The Read permission refers to a user’s capability to read the contents of the file. write – The Write permissions refer to a user’s capability to write or modify a file or directory. execute – The Execute permission affects a user’s capability… read more »
