Take advantage of this free clinical presentation and discussion organized by the Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Training Program at Institute for Psychoanalytic Education (IPE) on working with the frustration and defeatism of a college student with ADHD and Depression.
Laura Whitman, MD, Presenter
Karen Gilmore, MD, Discussant
Kimberly Chu, LCSW & Claudia Lament, PhD
Co-Chairs, the Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Training Program at IPE
November 3, 1:00 – 3:00 pm (lunch at 1:00 pm; event at 1:30 pm)
One Park Avenue, 8th Floor
Register (RSVP required for entry; Social Work CE Available / 1.5 CE)
This presentation will portray the analytic treatment of a college student who had severe symptoms (suicidality, academic failure) and yet strengths which enabled him to benefit from intensive treatment. The talk will delineate the particular challenges of working with young adults with learning and attention problems. Modifications of the traditional analytic approach useful in such cases will be discussed. Additionally, issues common to the treatment of emerging adults will be described.
About the Presenters:
Laura Whitman, MD is an adult and child psychoanalyst and psychiatrist with a practice on the upper west side. She teaches child psychotherapy and child development at IPE and Columbia, and also supervises in the therapeutic nursery at Mt. Sinai. She is currently reading about psychoanalytic views on substance abuse and dependence, especially as regards adolescence. Her other interests include film, literature, and yoga.
Dr. Karen Gilmore, MD is an adult, child and adolescent psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and Training and Supervising Analyst at Columbia University Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research. She is also Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia. Dr. Gilmore has published a number of papers and chapters on play, developmental theory, adoption, sexual development and gender identity disorder, and attention deficit disorder. With co-author Pamela Meersand, she has written three volumes: Normal child and adolescent development: a psychodynamic primer for APPI (2013), The little book of child and adolescent development for Oxford University Press (2014) and Play Therapy: a psychodynamic primer for the treatment of young children for APPI (2017).