Exclusive Global Career Resource for Students and Alumni

Did you know that as a student or graduate of Columbia School of Social Work, you have free access to GoinGlobal, an international career resource for both domestic and international candidates?

Whether you are interested in pursuing an opportunity across town or around the world, take a look at GoinGlobal, including their country and city career guidesdirectory of employers, H1B visa employer listings, and opportunities in 120 locations worldwide.

With the changed employment landscape due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have recently added a wealth of new resources to support your job search.

Take a look at the links found on their homepage sidebar “Job Search During COVID”:

    • Working During a Pandemic – forward thinking job search and networking tips
    • COVID Career Advice – timely news articles covering a range of topicsGlobal
    • Employment Briefings – areas of job promise in key countries

You can also find new economic information in their country career guides under “Snapshot” and “Job Search Overview.” Note every country guide has a dedicated section under “Finding a Job” about “Telework and Freelance.”

To learn more about the site’s features and resources, take a look at their user training schedule.

GoinGlobal Training Sessions

Are you taking advantage of our GoinGlobal subscription? You can access GoinGlobal by logging into Career Connect, and clicking on the logo on the main dashboard. (Alumni – go here.)

GoinGlobal resources can help you plan ahead for international jobs and internships. Schedule a complimentary, one hour training session to learn more about:

  • Work authorization regulations
  • Industry and employment trends
  • Professional and social networking organizations
  • Office protocol and interviewing customs

Find upcoming training dates and register here.