CUPS SciComm Series:
Jan 29th, Feb 5th, Feb 12th, 2019 @ CUMC (Organizers: Micaela Cunha & Sandra Franco Iborra, Outreach & Communications Committee)
We kicked-off 2019 with a series of Science Communication Seminars focused on presentation skills for postdocs.
Effectively communicating science is a must-have in today’s hypercompetitive research world, whether in our labs & department seminars, at conferences, or when pitching to potential sponsors. It can also be super useful if you want to get into teaching – or even when you’re trying to explain your work to your in-laws or your grandmother…
That’s part of why we created the Outreach and Communications Committee this Jan – to help postdocs develop their SciComm skills through seminars & workshops. We’re also trying to develop some outreach work where postdocs can engage in public speaking & share their work outside the good old ivory tower.
Speakers Info:
How to Prepare a Strong Scientific Presentation, January 29th
Tatiana Schnieder – Assist. Prof. of Clinical Neurobiology, Columbia University
The Science of Slide Design, February 5th
Eugene Douglass Jr. – Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Systems Biology, Columbia University.
Essential Elements for Effectively Delivering Your Presentation, February 12th
Kyle Marian Viterbo – Science Communicator, The Symposium: Academic StandUp