Reducing Incarceration Symposium – Recap

All of us at The Justice Initiative are extremely thankful to everyone who helped to organize the symposium, to all of our esteemed panelists and moderators, to all of the attendees who joined us throughout the day and all of those contributing towards this work.

The symposium was really quite spectacular bringing together in conversation people from different disciplines, experiences and affiliations including those directly affected by incarceration and aging, community organizations and advocates, government officials and employees, clergy and academics.  The day started with a warm welcome from JI Policy Director Samuel Roberts and an overview of the issue from the Correctional Association’s Executive Director Soffiyah Elijah.  The first panel opened with a recorded narrative from Ms. Rose LaBorde who has been visiting her son in upstate prisons for the last 30 years.

The first panel addressed the conditions inside prisons for those aging in prison followed by the second panel looking at the barriers and challenges to release.  The third panel discussed the challenges and needs for aging returning citizens and the day concluded with a engaging panel discussing possible strategies and solutions.  A copy of the program can be viewed and or downloaded here: ReducingIncarceration_ProgramFINAL 

We look forward to sharing the video footage of the entire event (coming soon!) and we will be publishing a white paper later this summer.  For more information about how to get involved or learn more about these issues check out our co-organizers.

Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP) Campaign
The Correctional Association of New York
The Osborne Association
Be The Evidence Project
The Florence V. Burden Foundation

Photos from the Day






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