Beyond the Bars 2016

We’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who joined us over the three days, all of the amazing speakers, the more than 1600 attendees, the many organizations, the Columbia Staff and all of those who worked to make this year’s conference the success that it was.  We are immensely grateful for everyone’s participation and support.


Did you miss the conference? 

Friday night’s Kick-Off Event with Angela Davis, the two Saturday morning plenaries as well as the two featured breakout panels on Saturday afternoon can all be viewed by clicking the link below: Beyond the Bars 2016 Video Archives 

Click below to view the program for the entire weekend

Friday Kick-Off Event with Keynote Speaker Angela Davis

Saturday Morning Plenaries and Afternoon Panels

Building the Grassroots: Organizing Workshops



Columbia_045Beyond the Bars 20016 Photobooth 

Leaders, supporters and those directly impacted by mass incarceration took turns highlighting their message. Click here to view photos on Facebook







Conference Evaluation 

For those who attended, we’d love to hear about your conference experience; what you loved, what you thought could be improved and any thoughts for next year.  Please take a few minutes to fill out this brief questionnaire. Beyond the Bars Evaluation 




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2016 Recap Video