The Geopolitics of Energy

Vol. 69, No. 1, Fall/Winter 2015

Andrew Wellington Cordier Essay

Fueling Oil Scarcity: Produced Scarcity and the Sociopolitical Fate of Renewable Energy


The Impact of the U.S. Shale Boom in Africa

War and the Oil Price Cycle

Misperceiving U.S. Foreign Policy in the Gulf: Raising the Hidden Costs of U.S. Dependence on Oil

Poisoned by Gas: Domestic Networks and Energy Security Strategy in Ukraine

EU-Russia Gas Blues

The Geoeconomics of the South Stream Pipeline Project

China-Kazakhstan Energy Relations Between 1997 and 2012

Dynamics of Natural Gas Pricing: The Critical Need for a Natural Gas Hub in South Asia

Energy Security and Energy Risk Management


Energy Prices and European Energy Security: An Interview with Ambassador Richard Morningstar

Landscapes of Oil: A Photo Essay by Edward Burtynsky

New Trends, Changing Dynamics: Student Observations

GPPN Essay

Between National Interests and the Greater Good: Struggling towards a Common European Union Energy Policy in the Context of Climate Change


Setting It Straight: Debunking Common Misperceptions of Oil and America’s Quest for Energy Independence

A Hotter Cold War

Fossil Fuels: Manna from Heaven or Magma from Hell?

Private Sector Potential: A Review of Natalie Ralph’s “Peacemaking and the Extractive Industries”

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