Innovating for Development

Vol. 64, No. 1, Fall/Winter 2010

Andrew Wellington Cordier Essay

Reconciling Acemoglu and Sachs: Geography, Institutions and Technology


Meaningful Technology Transfer for Climate Disruption

Technologies for Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Lessons from Countries Pursuing Adaptation to Climate Change

Can One Laptop Per Child Save the World’s Poor?

The Copyright Dilemma: Copyright Systems, Innovation and Economic Development

Research Locally, Diffuse Globally? American Universities, Patents and Global Public Health

The Gender Revolution in Science and Technology

Higher Education and Technology Transfer: The Effects of Technosclerosis on Development

Policy Incentives for a Cleaner Supply Chain: The Case of Green Chemistry

Nuclear Power and Sustainable Development


Harnessing Technology for Development Cooperation – An Interview with Rajiv Shah

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Rajiv Shah, administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is working to make USAID one of the premier agencies applying technology to the problems of the developing world. In conversation with Jose Santiago Vericat of the Journal of International Affairs, Shah discusses how USAID and its partners are using technology to address today’s development challenges.

Accidental Activists: Using Facebook for Change – An Interview with Randi Zuckerberg

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With millions of users across the world from places as diverse as Colombia, Kenya and Malaysia, Facebook has revolutionized social networking. Randi Zuckerberg, who works on marketing, politics, current events and nonprofit initiatives for Facebook, Inc., explains how 500 million friends are turning the online social network into people power and change for the better. This interview was conducted by Jose Santiago Vericat for the Journal of International Affairs.

Democratizing the Internet – An Interview with Michael T. Jones

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That Google is changing our world is a well-known fact. How exactly this transformation is taking place and where will it lead, is not. Google’s chief technology advocate Michael T. Jones reflects on Google’s global impact in conversation with Jose Santiago Vericat of the Journal of International Affairs at Google headquarters in Palo Alto, California.

Open Source Mapping as Liberation Technology – An Interview with David Kobia

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David Kobia is a Kenyan software developer and founder of the crisis mapping platform and open source software Ushahidi. Ushahidi has been used since 2008 to crowdsource information that can be help save lives on the ground. In this interview with Jose Santiago Vericat of the Journal of International Affairs, Kobia critically reflects on the use of Internet software to assist humanitarian relief operations after a crisis.
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