Fall '15 Issue

Fall ’15 Issue

The Columbia Undergraduate Law Review is proud to announce the release of its Fall 2015 issue. Included in this issue are the following articles: Constitutional Disability…

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Public Health or Personal Exemptions? Assessing the Constitutionality of California’s SB277 School-Entry Vaccination Mandate

Public Health or Personal Exemptions? Assessing the Constitutionality of California’s SB277 School-Entry Vaccination Mandate

In July 2015, the state of California experienced an unexpected measles outbreak in its Disneyland theme park, infecting 131 Californians. This case shocked many, because…

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De Steal: When Art Ownership Meets DNA

De Steal: When Art Ownership Meets DNA

In the largely unregulated global market for art, price setting relies on verifying a particular piece’s authenticity. Forgers have long used technology to mimic the…

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The Supreme Court, Education, and Affirmative Action

The Supreme Court, Education, and Affirmative Action

Since the United States’ inception, the education sector has always faced questions over federal or local regulation. Traditionally, the Supreme Court has balanced this conflict….

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Globalization and American Law: A Review of The Court and the World

Globalization and American Law: A Review of The Court and the World

“Globalization,” or the trend for industries and philosophies to spread across international borders, permeates across a versatile set of societal realms. We see it manifest…

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