A few special Commitment picks for June. Write your event stories here.
June 9
1:30 – 4:45 p.m.
Global Centers | Rio de Janeiro | Engineering | UNDP World Centre for Sustainable Development
Urban Bay: Eyes Wide Open Under Rio de Janeiro’s Ocean
The world premiere of Urban Bay, a documentary by Ricardo Gomes that highlights marine life close to urban coastal areas and discusses the proper management and conservation of oceans. Followed by a Q&A with Kartik Chandran, professor of environmental engineering; Nik Sekhran, director for sustainable development at the UNDP Bureau for Policy and Programme Support; Ricardo Gomes; and moderated by Layla Saad, deputy director at UNDP RIO+ Centre. Reception to follow. RSVP here. Schapiro CEPSR, Davis Auditorium. (Climate Response)
June 20
6 p.m.
College of Physicians and Surgeons
DocTalks: The Future of Personalized Cancer Care and Research
Leading Columbia scientists and clinicians discuss the state of cancer care today and possibilities for the future. Hosted by Dean Lee Goldman and moderated by Stephen G. Emerson, director of the Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center. See speakers here. Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street at Park Avenue, New York City. Registration required here. (Precision Medicine)
June 29
1 – 3 p.m.
Wallach Art Gallery
Making Art Uptown
Join Uptown artists Maren Hassinger and Miguel Luciano for an afternoon of art making that explores creativity and self-expression. Families will be able to contribute to Hassinger’s artwork Fight the Power in an exercise that invites children and adults alike to experience empowerment through making art. No registration required. 615 West 129th Street in Manhattanville. (Arts and Ideas)
For RSVP, ticket availability, and other details, follow the links. We always appreciate hearing from you about future events.