Here I provide a partial listing my various forms of service to the profession. For complete details, please consult my C.V.
DNP: As a member of the Division of Nuclear Physics of the American Physical Society, I have served on most of the DNP committees. I also served a four-year term from 2008 to 2012 in the DNP Chair-Line, moving successively through the positions of Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect, Chair and Past Chair.
APS: I was Program Chair of the April 2012 APS meeting (and Vice-Chair for the April 2011 Meeting). I would like to think there is not a causal connection between this and my subsequent service in 2013-14 on an APS committee tasked with Re-Imagining the April Meeting.
Nuclear Science Long-Range Planning: I have served on every Long-Range Working Group since 1995. The most recent such effort produced Reaching for the Horizon: the 2015 Long-Range Plan for Nuclear Science.
BNL STSC: I am the Chair of the Brookhaven National Laboratory Science and Technology Steering Committee. The committee provides advice to lab management, and reports to the board of the Brookhaven Science Associates.
BPA: Currently, I serve on the National Academies’ Board of Physics and Astronomy .
MPSAC: Currently, I serve on the Mathematics and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee of the National Science Foundation.
Past Service:
- NSF review of Physics Frontier Centers (2018-2019)
- External Review of Duke Physics Department (2018)
- Electron Ion Collider Scientific Review Committee, Brookhaven National Laboratory (2017)
- Research Assessment of the Physical and Chemical Sciences of Utrecht University, (2017)
- Chair, Director’s Review of Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2016)
- Chair, Writing Committee, for the Hot QCD White Paper (2014-2015)
- Director’s Review of the Instrumentation Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory (2015)
- NSF MPSAC liaison to Astronomy Division Committee of Visitors (2015)
- NSF MPSAC liaison to High Energy Physics subcommittee on response to P5 recommendations (2015)
- Chair, Division of Nuclear Physics Nominating Committee (2014)
- Member, Division of Nuclear Physics Bonner Prize Committee (2014)
- Program Committee, Japanese Program Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) (2014-2019)
- Nominating Committee, American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics (2013)
- Director’s Review Committee, Nuclear Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2012)
- Review Committee, Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory (2012)
- Associate Laboratory Director Search Committee, Brookhaven National Laboratory (2012)
- Chair, Division of Nuclear Physics Mentoring Award Committee (2012)
- NRC Committee on Assessment and Outlook for Nuclear Physics, 2010-2012
- Review Committee, Extreme Matter Institute, Helmholtz Alliance, Darmstadt, Germany (2011)
- Review Committee, Center for Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, U. of Washington (2011)
- Chair, Division of Nuclear Physics Dissertation Prize Committee (2011)
- Review Committee, Chief Scientist of RIKEN Radiation Laboratory (Tokyo) (2009)
- Co-Organizer, AAAS Symposium “Quest for the Perfect Liquid: Connecting Heavy Ions, String Theory, and Cold Atoms”, February 2008.
- Review Committee, Instrumentation Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory (2008)
- Review Committee, Center for Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics, University of Washington (2008)
- Advisory Committee, Institute for Nuclear Theory (2007 -2009)
- Science Council, Jefferson National Laboratory (2007 -2010)
- Review Committee, Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory, Yale University (2007)
- NSAC Subcommittee on Implementation of 2002 Long Range Plan ((2005)
- Executive Committee, Division of Nuclear Physics (2004-2006)
- External Review Committee of Wayne State University Physics Department (2005)
- Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (2004-2007)
- National Task Force on High Energy Density Physics (2003-2004)
- NSAC Subcommittee on Categorizing Future Facilities (2003)
- Editorial Board, Annual Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Science (2002-2007)
- Fellowship Committee, Division of Nuclear Physics (2001-2002)
- Co-convenor, Heavy Ion Town Meeting (1995)
- Program Committee, Division of Nuclear Physics (1994-1996)
- AGS Users Executive Committee (1991-1993)
- Nuclear Physics representative to ESNet Steering Committee (1990-93)