To celebrate the centennial of Prokofiev’s debut in New York City, we hosted the following events on our New York and global campuses during the 2017-2018 academic year,:
- New Directions in Prokofiev Studies: an international scholarly symposium
- April 13, 2018 – Butler Library (Columbia University, NYC)
- Homage to Sergei Prokofiev, a concert presented by Columbia’s Music Performance Program
- April 13, 2018 – the Italian Academy (Columbia University, NYC)
- Discovering Prokofiev: Music and the Archive, a presentation that combines music and documentary traces from Columbia’s Serge Prokofiev Archive.
- November 7, 2017 – Columbia Global Centers | Paris
- April 24, 2018 – Maison Française (Columbia University, NYC)
These events are made possible by the generosity of the following Columbia University sponsors: The Harriman Institute; Columbia Global Centers, Paris; the Department of Music, the Music Performance Program, the Rare Book & Manuscript Library, the Columbia University Club of France; the Columbia Undergraduate Programs in Paris, and the Fritz Reiner Center for Contemporary Music.