Positioning Prokofiev in the 21st Century and Beyond
Friday June 16, 2023
9:30-9:40am Welcome & opening remarks
9:40-11:15am Ballet and the Neoclassical
- Natalia Savkina: About Prokofiev’s Neoclassicism
- Michaela Franzen: Sur le Borysthène: Migratory Aesthetics and Neoclassical Ballet in Interwar Paris
- Rita McAllister: Sur le Borysthène: An ‘Unfairly Rejected Opus’
- Panel moderator: Nicolas Moron
11:30-1pm Prokofiev’s Musical Languages
- Nuno Lucas: Beyond ‘Iron and Steel’: Unveiling Texture in Prokofiev’s Second Symphony
- Barbara Nissman: The Three War Sonatas: A Performer’s View
- Panel moderator: Inessa Bazayev
2-3:30pm Prokofiev and his Worlds
- Nicolas Moron: Prokofiev and his Editorial Process
- Campbell Shiflett: Poulenc’s Prokofiev
- Maria Vinogradova and Anastasiia Dolgikh: Sergei Prokofiev the Moviemaker: Within, Behind and Around the Images
- Panel moderator: Christina Guillaumier
3:45-5pm Round Table: Prokofiev in the 21st Century
- Gabriel Prokofiev
- Simon Morrison
- Inessa Bazayev
- Christina Guillaumier
- Nicolas Moron
Location: Butler Library 203. Click here for in-person registration.
Click here for Zoom registration.
The event is organized by the Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Columbia University with support from the Harriman Institute and the Serge Prokofiev Foundation.