Tripping on Shrooms: The Dos and Don’ts

Magic mushrooms or shrooms are common names for a variety of mushrooms that contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin. Psilocybin is a naturally occurring compound that can induce a variety of effects, including mild hallucinations, feelings of euphoria and relaxation, changes in perception, and enhanced creativity and insight. Many people believe that psilocybin can have profound psychological and spiritual benefits when used in a safe and supportive environment. Here are the dos and don’ts to remember if you are planning to take a shrooms trip.

Do take the right shrooms

Mushrooms can look very similar to each other and not all of them are edible. In fact, some mushrooms are highly toxic and can even lead to death when ingested. Therefore, it is best not to forage for magic mushrooms from the wild unless you are an experienced mushroom hunter. Growing your own magic mushrooms is a good way to ensure that only safe mushrooms are consumed. After all, you want a psychedelic trip, not a trip to the hospital!

Do trip in a safe environment

Taking hallucinogens like magic mushrooms can be dangerous if you do not have the proper support system in place to keep you safe during the experience. Ideally, you should be in a group setting or have a designated sober trip sitter so that you are not alone. Also, never take hallucinogens if you plan on driving a vehicle or going to a public place. Remember that the effects of shrooms can last for several hours after ingestion, so make plans accordingly.

Do set your expectations

If you are tripping for the first time, it is a good idea to know what to expect during the experience. Although every trip is different, you should be prepared to experience a sensory overload or visual distortions and changes in perception. It is also common to experience strong emotions while you are tripping, some of which may be negative. Keep an open mind and remember that you just have to ride out the way you feel during the trip.

Do check your mood

Some people find that microdosing shrooms can be helpful if you have the mindset to confront and work through your subconscious issues. In general, though, taking shrooms when you are depressed or in a bad mood is not a good idea. The negative emotions that you feel can intensify during the trip and can lead to a really unpleasant experience. Make sure that you are in a relaxed and comfortable state and are in a positive headspace before taking shrooms.

Do keep a journal

It can be useful to jot down your thoughts before, during, and after the trip so that you can process the experience properly. This is especially important if you are using shrooms for therapy or personal growth as it will help you to look deeper into your hidden thoughts and emotions. The clarity and intensity of your perception during your trip can be enlightening and the insights you gain can help you to understand yourself better and make positive changes in your life.

Don’t take too much at once

It is recommended that you only ingest a small dose of magic mushrooms at a time. You do not need a huge amount of shrooms to have an enjoyable trip. Taking too high a dose is more likely to result in a bad trip and lead to uncomfortable side effects such as anxiety, paranoia, panic attacks, severe disorientation, and flashbacks (recurring psychedelic mental effects). Start with a low dose and increase it gradually if necessary.

Don’t mix shrooms with other substances

Magic mushrooms are not recommended for use with other substances such as alcohol, cannabis, and prescription medication like methadone. This is because the compounds in these substances can interact to produce unpredictable effects. They may alter the intensity or nature of your trip or increase your risk of experiencing dangerous side effects. If you take prescription drugs, talk with your doctor before taking shrooms to ensure that the combination is safe.

Don’t take shrooms if you are pregnant or nursing

Although there have not been enough studies about psilocybin consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is best to avoid shrooms in both situations as a precaution. Some other hallucinogenic drugs have been found to cause uterine contractions which can lead to miscarriages or premature labor, so it is recommend that you not to take any risks. If you are nursing and plan to take shrooms, you should consider formula-feeding your baby instead.

Don’t get in trouble with the law

While magic mushrooms have a long history of use in indigenous cultures, they are still illegal in many countries. You should check the laws where you live before purchasing them to ensure that they are not prohibited in your area. In the United States, only a few states such as Oregon have decriminalized the use of shrooms. However, it is not illegal to purchase magic mushroom spores. Be discreet when using shrooms and never trip in public or try to sell shrooms to others.

Magic mushrooms are a potent substance that can take you on a journey unlike any other. They can be a lot of fun and provide valuable enlightenment when used safely and responsibly. Pay attention to these dos and don’ts and you will be able to get the most out of your magic mushroom experience.