As a student, you are probably always looking for ways to save money. And while it is important to be frugal, it’s also important to think about the impact your choices have on the environment. Here are some tips for reducing waste and saving money at the same time!
Climate change and environmental concerns are now among the top worries for college and university students worldwide. In the United Kingdom alone, more than 60% say climate change is one of the top global priorities that must be tackled by world leaders. A notable 76% of students also say that their views on climate change will impact their future career decisions.
Most students the world over always have a concern for saving money too. After all, students have to pay for their studies and complete their assignments, which doesn’t leave a huge amount of time to earn extra money on the side.
So how can these two top concerns of students come together? Here’s how you can save money and reduce waste as a student.
Sell Your Used Digital Devices
We all know how quickly technology changes and how often students upgrade their laptops, phones, and other digital devices. What most people don’t realize is that these devices can be sold for a pretty penny.
There are now specialized companies that will buy your used digital devices and resell them. This is a great way to make some extra money and declutter your room at the same time. And it’s much better for the environment than simply throwing away your old devices, as many of the parts and metals will be reused or recycled. The amount you will get for different digital devices varies. If you sell your used MacBook, you’ll get more money than you might think! But money aside, MacBook or a phone that is being reused, or recycled for its parts is much more beneficial from an environmental perspective, than if the phone were just sitting at the back of your closet.
Recycle Your Old Textbooks
When you’re finished with a textbook, don’t just throw it away! Many students are unaware that their university bookstore will often buy back textbooks at the end of the semester. This is a great way to declutter your room and get some extra money for textbooks that you’re no longer using. It will also help future students to save money too, as they’ll be able to buy these textbooks at a reduced price.
And if your university bookstore doesn’t buy back textbooks, there are still many other options for recycling them. For example, you could donate your old textbooks to a local library or community center. Or you could sell them online or at a used bookstore. There’s definitely no need to throw them in the trash!
Reusable Water Bottle
Investing in a reusable water bottle is a great way to save money and reduce waste. It can be tempting to buy bottled water when you’re thirsty, but this quickly adds up. A reusable water bottle will cost you a bit more upfront, but it will pay for itself quickly as you’ll no longer need to buy bottled water.
And when you’re not using your reusable water bottle, you can simply refill it with tap water. This is much cheaper than buying bottled water and it’s also better for the environment, as there will be no need to recycle all those plastic bottles.
If you like to buy bottled water because it has been filtered or treated in some way, you could buy a water filter to keep in your college dorm. Then you can pour filtered water into your reusable bottle before you head out to classes each day.
Reduce Your Food Waste
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, food waste is the single largest type of waste in the United States. And much of this food waste happens at college and university campuses. There are many reasons for this, including the fact that students often have irregular eating habits and may not have time to eat all the food they buy.
But there are many ways to reduce your food waste, and save money at the same time. For example, you could plan your meals for the week so that you only buy the ingredients you need. Or you could cook larger meals and freeze the leftovers for another day.
And if you do end up with food that you can’t eat, don’t throw it away! There are many organizations that will accept donations of non-perishable food. Or you could compost your food waste to reduce methane emissions and create a nutrient-rich soil amendment for your campus garden.
Drive Less
Driving is one of the most expensive things you can do as a student. Not only do you have to pay for gas, but you also have to pay for insurance, maintenance, and repairs. And if you’re parking on campus, there may be additional fees as well.
If possible, walk or cycle to campus instead of driving. This is great exercise and it’s also good for the environment. If you can’t walk or cycle, take public transportation instead of driving. And if you must drive, try to carpool with other students so that you can split the cost of gas.
By following these tips, you can save money and reduce your impact on the environment at the same time. So why not give them a try?
These are just a few of the many ways that you can save money and reduce waste as a student. So next time you’re looking to save some money or reduce your environmental impact, keep these tips in mind. And who knows, you might just end up saving a lot of money and helping the planet at the same time!