Donor Discovery at Work

Helping hand shakes another hand as part of an agreement

Several months ago, Kathryn Van Sickle, a gift officer in Columbia’s new Discovery Program, reached out to a GSAS alumnus who had never spoken with a Columbia development officer. Today, he is an engaged and enthused donor across a variety of areas—from the Zuckerman Institute to the Business School. How did it happen?

Kathryn has a special mission—under the guidance of Allen Rosso, she is charged with finding innovative ways to engage untapped prospects. After learning about the interests of our GSAS alum, whom we’ll call Joe, she sought input from a team of development colleagues including Meghan Fay (Zuckerman), Allison Frost (Zuckerman), Elena Piercy (Business), and Talya Westbrook (Arts and Sciences). Through this collaboration, Joe was able to meet with key faculty and leadership from all three schools. He went on to make a $45K gift to the Business School after joining its Program for Financial Studies Board. And a gift agreement has been created for a $250K endowed fellowship at the Zuckerman Institute.

Today, Joe (now managed by Talya Westbrook) wants to do even more. He has expressed a desire to support GSAS fellowships and join the ranks of Columbia Benefactors, individuals who have given $1 million or more to the University.

And Joe is not alone. In its inaugural year, the Discovery Program has assigned thirty-seven prospects to major and principal gift officers. Six have been rated to a higher level, and multiple gift conversations are in the works with schools and units across Columbia.

According to Kathryn, “It’s energizing to collaborate with partners across the University and meet new prospects—each day is an adventure!”