Meet February’s Contest Winners

lOPyeRYB_400x400Luke Roland
Director of Development,
Physicians and Surgeons
Joined Columbia 
November 2015
First prize – $50 gift
Favorite University Big Idea
The 21st Century Public Square
“I think the past helps shape our future and it’s great to see that Columbia recognizes this. The arts, humanities, the study of history and economics all hold keys to better understanding our world. And I like to see that even though we have a global footprint, we are trying to see how we engage with the city as well.”

Fun Fact
“I have two children and they are my fun. I’m helping my son get ready for baseball season. When I’m not here I’m at home helping with homework, reading books to my kids, playing catch with my son.”

Caitlin Shehuntrman ’17SIPA
Development Officer, Miller Theatre
since October 2015
Joined Columbia 
May 2013 (LAW)
Second prize – $30 gift
Other Columbia Affiliation
Current SIPA student, EMPA program with a focus on advanced management.
Favorite University Big Idea
Climate Change
“I think climate change is the most pressing issue we face as a planet and I think it’s extraordinary that Columbia is taking the lead in making this a priority.”
Fun Fact
“I grew up in San Francisco, so I grew up composting. I’m a passionate environmentalist and I still compost in New York City… on Thursdays, I bring my garbage with me to work to drop off in the composting bin at the farmer’s market. I’m committed.”

huntAlice Hunt
Associate Director, Annual Fund Programs
Joined Columbia 
March 2014
Third prize – $20 gift
Favorite University Big Idea
Zuckerman Institute and the Future of Neuroscience
“I have a personal passion for neuroscience; I’m interested in how the brain works, specifically how it processes trauma and retains memories. I’ve done a lot of personal research and reading, and in general, I am a big fan of the mysteries of the brain.”
Fun Fact
“I worked in a mathematical psychology lab when I was in college that researched . facial-pattern recognition. Our lab created 3D modeling back then on old-school PC’s for testing subjects. I also created the world’s first online catalog for facial recognition research. At the time you had to physically go to the library to find this stuff so I taught myself HTML and built this database on the lab’s website.”