Columbia Call Center: Behind the Scenes


Esther Ogbuokiri ‘16CC
Major: Neuroscience and Behavior
Hometown: Riverdale, MD



Did you know? The students that work in the Columbia Call Center play a significant role in Columbia’s fundraising initiatives. We had a chat with Esther, one of the Call Center’s “star students.”

  1. What is one thing you’ve learned from working at the Columbia Call Center?
    Talking to strangers is easier than it sounds! Most of the alumni, to whom I speak, are willing to share their experience, and even ask about my aspirations and interests!
  2. What is something you’ve learned through talking to Columbia alumni, parents, and friends?
    Columbia has a strong network of supportive alumni, who are more than willing to open doors of opportunities for current students aside from the donations we request from them.
  3. How has working at the Columbia Call Center affected your personal relationship to Columbia?
    My time here has definitely allowed me to put a “face” to the individuals who were once in my shoes and who contributed to the legacy of Columbia that my classmates strive to enhance.

FY’15 By The Numbers

  • 18 schools and programs called
  • 13,000 hours of calls
  • 39,000 alumni, parents, and friends contacted
  • 15,000+ commitments
  • $2.4 million total pledged dollars