How Gas Becomes Energy: The Technology Behind It

Gas has been one of humanity’s most valuable resources for centuries. It is used for fueling automobiles, heating homes, and cooking meals all over the world. However, did you ever wonder how gas becomes energy? And have you ever wondered what kind of technology is involved in turning gas into energy? In this blog post, you will take a deep dive into the technology behind how gas becomes energy.

Gas is a form of fossil fuel that is commonly found in the Earth’s crust. It is formed from millions of years of decayed plant and animal matter that has been buried under the earth’s surface. Natural gas, which is the most commonly used gas, primarily consists of methane, butane, and propane.

The process of how gas becomes energy begins with exploration. Geologists will search for gas reservoirs underground by locating areas where natural gas might be buried. Once a reservoir is found, they will perform seismic surveys, where sound waves are sent into the ground to detect the presence of gas. If a significant amount of gas is present, the well is drilled, and the gas is extracted.

Processing Gas

Once gas is extracted from the Earth, it is then transported through pipelines or ships to processing plants where it gets separated into its individual components (i.e., methane, butane, and propane). This process is done through refrigeration, where the gas is cooled to extremely low temperatures, causing the different gas components to condense and separate from each other.

After the gas is sorted, the next step is processing. The individual gas components are then purified and treated to make sure that they are of high quality before converting them into energy. This processing includes removing any impurities and ensuring that the gas is the right composition for maximum efficiency. Once processed, it can be transported to energy companies to be converted into energy that we can use.

Creating Energy Through Combustion

Gas is only converted into energy once it is received by energy companies. There are various ways to transform natural gas into energy, but one of the most common ways is through combustion.

Combustion is a chemical process where gas reacts with an oxidizer, typically air, to produce heat and light. In the context of energy production, this heat is utilized to generate electricity. The process begins with the combustion of natural gas in a specialized chamber. The intense heat produced from the combustion causes the air around it to expand rapidly, creating a high-pressure gas stream.

This high-pressure gas stream is then directed towards a turbine, a machine with a series of aerodynamic blades arranged around a central shaft. As the gas stream hits these blades, it causes the turbine to spin. The spinning of the turbine is directly connected to an electrical generator, a device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy through the principles of electromagnetic induction.

Turbine control is a significant aspect in transforming natural gas into energy, and GE Turbine Control is one of the most notable in this field. Systems such as the General Electric (GE) Speedtronic, GE Mark V, and GE Mark VI, are integral for managing turbine operations for optimal efficiency and safety.

GE Speedtronic, a comprehensive control system, oversees the gas turbine’s operations, ensuring optimal speed and load control. As the high-pressure gas stream spins the turbine, Speedtronic controls the turbine’s speed, preventing damage from overspeed situations and ensuring efficient energy generation. The GE Mark V and Mark VI systems are the advanced versions of the Speedtronic, offering enhanced control features. They maintain the turbine’s rotational speed and load, adjust the fuel control valves, and provide protective functions against operational anomalies. These systems also facilitate communication between the turbine and operators, enabling real-time monitoring and control.

In addition to these control systems, Excitation Control is crucial in this process. It controls the output of the generator by regulating its field current. This ensures that the generated electricity is at the right voltage level, matching the power grid’s requirements, thereby ensuring stable and reliable power output. Through this combination of advanced turbine controls and excitation systems, the transformation of natural gas into usable electric energy is efficiently managed and optimized.

Fuels Cells and Gas Turbines

Fuel cells offer an alternative method for converting natural gas into electricity, and they function quite differently from traditional combustion-based systems. A fuel cell operates similar to a battery, wherein a chemical reaction takes place to produce electricity. The primary difference, however, is that while a battery will eventually discharge and require recharging, a fuel cell will continually produce electricity as long as it is supplied with fuel, in this case, natural gas.

In a typical fuel cell, natural gas undergoes a process called steam reforming, which converts it into hydrogen-rich syngas. This syngas feeds the anode (the negative side) of the fuel cell. At the same time, oxygen (typically from the air) is supplied to the cathode (the positive side). The hydrogen reacts with oxygen across the cell’s electrolyte, producing electricity, water, and heat—an electrochemical process that is significantly more efficient than combustion, with lower emissions.

On the other hand, gas turbines operate on the principle of combustion, as mentioned earlier. However, advancements in turbine technology have led to the development of combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plants, which greatly enhance the conversion efficiency. In a CCGT plant, natural gas is first combusted in a gas turbine, and the resulting high-temperature exhaust gases are then used to generate steam. This steam drives a steam turbine, which generates additional electricity. Thus, a CCGT plant generates electricity twice – first through the gas turbine, then through the steam turbine.

The process of how gas becomes energy is complex, technical and fascinating. With advancements in technology, we can turn gas into electrical energy efficiently, making it a primary source of energy all around the world. By continuing to innovate and improve upon this technology, we can ensure a cleaner and more sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come.