Natural Ways to Increase Your Bedroom Performance

Whether you are 25 or 50, performance in the bedroom can be a sensitive subject. Many people worry that they are not aroused enough or fear that they are not performing at their best. This is not only incredibly frustrating but also damaging to your self-esteem. Luckily, there are simple ways to increase your overall sexual satisfaction with your partner without involving prescription medication like Viagra. Here are some natural ways to boost your bedroom performance.

Get High

There are many ways in which getting high can positively affect your sex life. One of the most obvious effects is an increase in sexual desire and arousal. Delta-9 THC found in cannabis is thought to activate the region of our brain associated with sexual arousal and trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and happiness. Being high will also help to lower your inhibitions and facilitate open communication between you and your partner about how to achieve sexual satisfaction and fulfillment. You do not have to smoke weed to reap the benefits of delta-9 as there are many delicious delta-9 edibles on the market that are easy to carry along on your next date night. Of course, make sure that it is legal for you to purchase and possess delta-9 in your region.

Take Natural Enhancers

Some natural herbs and adaptogens are known for their aphrodisiac properties and can increase sex drive and boost sexual function. One of these is the Peruvian root known as maca, which is believed to help increase energy and promote sexual desire in both men and women. Another is red ginseng, which has been used for thousands of years in Asian countries to increase stamina, boost libido, and improve blood circulation. The third is fenugreek, a herb that contains compounds essential for the production of sex hormones like testosterone or estrogen. From powder to pills, there are many varieties of these supplements available on the market to help elevate your libido. You can even find special blends that combine several natural ingredients to achieve a more potent effect.

Learn Tantric Sex

Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu and Buddhist practice that can help you and your partner disconnect from the outside world and enjoy intimacy to its fullest potential. The practice involves a range of sexual techniques designed to promote spiritual connection and self-discovery and heighten sexual pleasure. Tantric sex is not all about just penetrative sex or orgasms. It involves an array of activities ranging from massage to breathing exercises to the act of intercourse itself. By incorporating tantric techniques into your sex life, you can establish a stronger emotional connection, learn how to release hidden sexual blocks, and enjoy more intense sexual experiences. As a result, you will be able to achieve erotic experiences that are deeply fulfilling for both you and your partner.

Try Mutual Massage

Touch is such an essential element in an intimate relationship. Learning to give a sensual massage can be a great way to share love and affection with your partner. It will also help you feel more sensual and enhance your sexual satisfaction\. Across your body are many acupressure points that can influence relaxation, build intimacy, and awaken arousal. You can use your fingers to softly apply pressure to these points on your partner’s body to increase the blood flow to their vital organs and ‘wake up’ their body. This is fantastic for initiating foreplay! Take turns to turn each other on with a gentle massage. To heighten the experience, use aromatherapy massage oils such as lavender and ylang-ylang to stimulate the olfactory senses and set the mood.

Stay Fit and Active

It may sound boring, but exercise is one of the most effective things you can do to improve your libido and enhance the quality of your sexual relationship. Regular exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight and improve your circulation, both of which can have a positive effect on your sexual health. In addition, regular cardio workouts can increase your energy levels and stamina, which will have a positive impact on your sexual performance. If you are not currently exercising regularly, start slowly and gradually build up your fitness level. Try to aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity every day and incorporate some strength training exercises every week. There is no limit to the kind of exercise that you can do to stay fit, so you could even consider sex as a workout if you like!


Sex is an important part of most people’s lives and it can be a major source of pleasure and emotional fulfillment. Unfortunately, life and stress can sometimes get in the way and sexual desire can take a backseat. Thankfully, there are natural ways you can boost your libido and keep your sex life enjoyable. That said, if the above methods do not make any difference, it may be time to seek professional advice.

In some cases, challenges in the bedroom may be due to an underlying health concern. A doctor will be able to identify the root cause of your condition and recommend treatment options to restore your sexual well-being. The cause of your sexual issues may also be psychological instead of physiological. In this case, counseling or couples therapy can help you to overcome your obstacles.