Ways to Improve HVAC Efficiency Throughout the Year

If you have ever been without air conditioning in the height of summer, you will know how critical a cooling system is to your quality of life. Likewise, it can be impossible to stay healthy in the winter without adequate heating. Therefore, taking care of your HVAC system is of utmost importance. Here are some ways to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system.

What is HVAC?

HVAC is an acronym that stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It refers to the equipment and systems that are responsible for heating and cooling an interior environment in both residential and commercial buildings. HVAC systems encompass a range of products such as ducts, fans, furnaces, heat pumps, and thermostats.

The terms HVAC and air conditioners are often used interchangeably. However, air conditioners are just a part of HVAC. In addition to adjusting the temperature, HVAC systems perform other functions as well. These include circulating air and improving ventilation, maintaining humidity levels, and cleaning or filtering contaminated air.

What is the ideal interior temperature?

For most people, the most comfortable room temperature is between 64°F to 68°F. During the winter, the U.S. Department of Energy recommends that you try to keep your home no warmer than 68°F. You should also plan to turn the thermostat down by seven to ten degrees for eight hours each day. This can lower your annual energy usage and costs by up to 10 percent.

During the summer, the Department of Energy recommends keeping the temperature in your home at 78°F. Similarly, it suggests setting the thermostat to 82°F overnight for maximum energy savings. However, this can be a higher temperature than most people are willing to endure. Whatever temperature you feel comfortable in, the closer your thermostat is to the outside temperature, the less energy you will use.

It is also a good idea to adjust the temperatures in different rooms based on their usage. For instance, bathrooms are generally warmer than the rest of the house to avoid people stepping onto ice-cold tiles or catching a chill after a shower. Conversely, bedrooms are typically cooler than other rooms because we are accustomed to using quilts and blankets when we sleep.

Ways to Improve HVAC Efficiency

With summer is just around the corner, you should get an air conditioning company to check your HVAC system and ensure that everything is in good working order. Aside from having the professionals assess the condition of your equipment, here are other actions you can take to ensure that your HVAC system will run smoothly throughout the year.

Add Insulation

Although insulation intuitively seems more important in winter, it is just as integral in the summer months. Insulation is generally made from wool, foam, or similar materials. These materials work by slowing down the rate of heat transmission, particularly from the top levels of your home. This means that heat is kept inside your home in the winter and out of your home in the summer.

Seal Your Home

While you are adding insulation to your attic, inspect the seals around your skylights, windows, and doors to ensure that they are in good condition. Deteriorated seals allow air to move freely in and out of your home, causing heat gain in the summer and making your HVAC system work harder. Repair broken seals and use caulk to seal any cracks and holes.

Use a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable thermostats are strongly recommended by the Department of Energy. With this advanced technology, you can adjust the interior temperature of your home based on your personal schedule and preferences. For instance, you can set your HVAC system to work less hard when you are out at work. This extends the life of your HVAC system and helps you to save on your energy bills.

Clean Your Filters & Vents

Depending on your HVAC system, you may have a disposable or long-term air filter. Disposable filters should be replaced once a month and long-term filters cleaned just as frequently. This will ensure that there will be no air flow obstructions within your HVAC system. Similarly, your vents should be kept free of dust and debris. If you smoke at home or have pets who shed, you may need to clean your filters and vents more often.

Focus on Air Flow

Air flow is essential to the efficient function of your HVAC system. Poor air flow can make your system work harder, increasing wear and energy use. Examine the area around your HVAC unit to ensure that there is nothing positioned too close. Try to maintain an empty space of two feet around your unit to prevent debris from collecting in and around your equipment.

It can be unbearable to live without air conditioning in the summer. If you do not want your cooling system to break down on the hottest day of the year, be sure to have it professionally maintained. Meanwhile, take measures to insulate your home, properly seal your windows and doors, and keep your HVAC components clean.