List of Reviewed Publications
- Karim Malak, “The High Tide of Colonialism: Sovereignty and Governmentality at Sea,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol: 41 (1), (May 2022), 118-134.
- Karim Malak, “The Anglo-Egyptian Naval Encounter: A New History of Colonialism,” Transactions of the Naval Dockyard Society, forthcoming.
- Karim Malak & Sara Salem, “How far does neoliberalism go in Egypt? Gender, citizenship, and the making of the ‘rural’ woman,” Review of African Political Economy, Vol: 44, Issue: 154, (2017), 541-558.
- Karim Malak, review of Miranda Joseph, Debt to Society: Accounting for Life Under Capitalism, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2014; 224 pp.: ISBN 0816687447, £18.50 by Miranda Joseph, Capital & Class, Volume: 40, Issue: 3, 2016, pp. 570-572.
- Karim Malak & Sara Salem.. “Reorientalizing the Middle East: The Power Agenda Setting Post-Arab Uprisings”. Middle East: Topics & Arguments. 4 (0): (2015), 93-109.
- Karim Malak. “Securitization and Desecuritization in Egypt 2011-2013: The MB, its Allies, and the ‘Other,” in Adham Hamed (eds): Revolution as a Process: The Case of the Egyptian Uprising, Vienna: Wiener Verlag für Sozialforschung, (2014).
Public Engagement (selections):
“Fortress America in the Middle East: Academic Freedom at the American University in Cairo, LSE Middle East Blog, April 9th, 2019.

Opinion Columnist at the Arabic daily Al-Shorouk newspaper in Egypt 2012-Present.
Opinion Columnist at the Arabic daily Al-Akhbar newspaper in Lebanon 2016-2019.
Karim Malak, “The (Im)possibility of being an Arab Christian in America,” HuffPost, October 21st, 2016.

Karim Malak, “What is Big Oil Up To?,” Counterpunch, February 27, 2015.
Karim Malak, “Who Runs Sharm al-Sheikh,” Mada, June 1st, 2014.
Conference Papers (selections):
- Karim Malak, “Critiquing Middle East Studies’ Archive Fever,” in Vivienne Mathies-Boon (organizer), Egypt and the Politics of Critique: The Annual British Society for Middle East Studies, Leeds, June 25th, 2019.
- Karim Malak. “The Price of Decolonization from mahrūsa in 1863 to the Protectorate of Egypt,” Surveying Egypt Workshop: The City University in New York, April 19th-20th 2018 New York: New York.
- Karim Malak, “Translation’s Discontents: Intellectual Histories of Khayr al-Din al-Tunisi Reexamined,” in Karim Malak (panel organizer), Materialities of Translation and Circulation: Rethinking Late Ottoman Intellectual History: The Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, November 20 2017, Washington: DC, (2017).
- Karim Malak, “Let History Judge: The Uses and Misuses of Reparations Claims,” in Isaac Kamola (panel chair): The Past and Present of Racialized Politics: Annual Millennium Conference, October 21st, 2017 London: London School of Economics, (2017).
- Karim Malak, “The Curious Case of Egypt’s BISCO Mar Workers: Testing the Bounds of Marxist Analysis in Egypt after the Arab Uprisings,” in Angela Joya (roundtable chair, Capitalism and Class in the Middle East: Reflections on the Arab Uprisings: The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, November 19 2016, Boston, Massachusetts, (2016).