
List of Reviewed Publications

  • Karim Malak, “The High Tide of Colonialism:  Sovereignty and Governmentality at Sea,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol: 41 (1), (May 2022), 118-134.
  • Karim Malak, “The Anglo-Egyptian Naval Encounter: A New History of Colonialism,” Transactions of the Naval Dockyard Society, forthcoming.
  • Karim Malak & Sara Salem, “How far does neoliberalism go in Egypt? Gender, citizenship, and the making of the ‘rural’ woman,” Review of African Political Economy, Vol: 44, Issue: 154, (2017), 541-558.
  • Karim Malak, review of Miranda Joseph, Debt to Society: Accounting for Life Under Capitalism, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 2014; 224 pp.: ISBN 0816687447, £18.50 by Miranda Joseph, Capital & Class, Volume: 40, Issue: 3, 2016, pp. 570-572.
  • Karim Malak & Sara Salem.. “Reorientalizing the Middle East: The Power Agenda Setting Post-Arab Uprisings”. Middle East: Topics & Arguments. 4 (0): (2015), 93-109.
  • Karim Malak. “Securitization and Desecuritization in Egypt 2011-2013: The MB, its Allies, and the ‘Other,” in Adham Hamed (eds): Revolution as a Process: The Case of the Egyptian Uprising, Vienna: Wiener Verlag für Sozialforschung, (2014).

Public Engagement (selections):

“Fortress America in the Middle East: Academic Freedom at the American University in Cairo, LSE Middle East Blog, April 9th, 2019.

President Nixon with Anwar Sadat waving from a motorcade through Alexandria, Egypt after Nixons arrival. Passing under a large sign – Alexandria Greets Sadat & Nixon – Arab Socialist Union. June 12, 1974.

Opinion Columnist at the Arabic daily Al-Shorouk newspaper in Egypt 2012-Present.


Opinion Columnist at the Arabic daily Al-Akhbar newspaper in Lebanon 2016-2019.

Karim Malak, “The (Im)possibility of being an Arab Christian in America,” HuffPost, October 21st, 2016.

How will big oil position itself in the coming decades? Photo credit: The Economist

Karim Malak, “What is Big Oil Up To?,” Counterpunch, February 27, 2015.

Karim Malak, “Who Runs Sharm al-Sheikh,” Mada, June 1st, 2014.

Conference Papers (selections):

  • Karim Malak, “Critiquing Middle East Studies’ Archive Fever,” in Vivienne Mathies-Boon (organizer), Egypt and the Politics of Critique: The Annual British Society for Middle East Studies, Leeds, June 25th, 2019.
  • Karim Malak. “The Price of Decolonization from mahrūsa in 1863 to the Protectorate of Egypt,” Surveying Egypt Workshop: The City University in New York, April 19th-20th 2018 New York: New York.
  • Karim Malak, “Translation’s Discontents: Intellectual Histories of Khayr al-Din al-Tunisi Reexamined,” in Karim Malak (panel organizer), Materialities of Translation and Circulation: Rethinking Late Ottoman Intellectual History: The Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, November 20 2017, Washington: DC, (2017).
  • Karim Malak, “Let History Judge: The Uses and Misuses of Reparations Claims,” in Isaac Kamola (panel chair): The Past and Present of Racialized Politics: Annual Millennium Conference, October 21st, 2017 London: London School of Economics, (2017).
  • Karim Malak, “The Curious Case of Egypt’s BISCO Mar Workers: Testing the Bounds of Marxist Analysis in Egypt after the Arab Uprisings,” in Angela Joya (roundtable chair, Capitalism and Class in the Middle East: Reflections on the Arab Uprisings: The 2016 Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, November 19 2016, Boston, Massachusetts, (2016).