By Concert Goers…
What time do shows start, and when do they typically end?
- Managers and volunteers arrive and set up before music begins at 8:30 and lasts until 11:30pm. We vacate the premises by 11:45pm each night.
How long are sets? Are there any breaks?
- Set times are 45 minutes each, with a 15 minute break between artists (8:30-9:15, 9:30-10:15, etc).
Do you charge a cover?
- Postcrypt shows are free and have no cover charge. We do, however, keep a tip jar to help cover bar costs, as well as support the coffeehouse (which is a volunteer-run, non-profit venue).
Who can come to Postcrypt shows?
- Postcrypt is open to the public and all-ages. Despite its location on campus, you don’t need to be a Columbia student/signed in by a student to enter the venue.
What is your capacity?
- Due to fire code regulations, Postcrypt is only allowed 30 people at any time. If your favorite act is playing, we recommend arriving a bit early to snag seats. Note: If the room is full when you get there, don’t fret! The audience usually ebbs and flows and seats often free up between sets.
Do you serve alcohol?
- Despite having a liquor license in the past, Postcrypt currently does not serve alcohol. We DO, however, sell coffee and a variety of teas and baked goods.
Can I bring alcohol?
- Nope! Sorry. Postcrypt is now a dry venue. If you bring it anyway, WE get in trouble…So, please don’t. See above for alternate refreshment options!
Can I use recording/filming devices?
- At Postcrypt, we encourage the use of photography and the like, as long as you have permission from the artists. Feel free to consult them before their show.
By Performers/Open Stage Goers…
When is your open stage?
- Postcrypt’s Open Stage events take place the first Saturday of every month of the semester (starting in October, excluding January, and ending in April). Sign-ups begin at 8:20pm.
Do you have any amplification/backline?
- Postcrypt is and has always been an all-acoustic un-amplified venue. Performers who typically use amplification (ie. electric guitars, synthesizers, drum machines, whatever else) should know this before contacting Postcrypt for a show. We like these kinds of music, but we literally don’t have the electrical power to have them in our venue. Note: If you have a battery powered amp…let’s talk!
Can I use your piano?
- Yes!
Can I play a cover song?
- Sure, go ahead. As long as it’s not Freebird. Can anyone actually play that song?
Can we sell merch?
- Yes! We encourage you to peddle your wares. If you’d like, a Postcrypt volunteer will help you sell your CDs/tshirts/what have you at the bar at no cost (you get 100%).
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