Thoughtful Ways to Brighten Someone’s Day

Many of us spend our time focused on getting through the day-to-day realities of life. We rarely think about doing something a little extra for others. Yet unexpected gestures of kindness can put a smile on someone’s face for days to come.

Awareness of mental health is at an all-time high. Yet people are still experiencing mental health issues including stress on a regular basis. Some surveys have found up to three quarters of people have felt so stressed that they are unable to cope.

While we are all trying our best to get through our own lives, it’s important to remember the impact we can have on other people. Humans are innately social creatures, and many feed off the energy of others to get a mental boost. When you do something to make another person feel good, it also gives you a sense of wellbeing. Being part of something bigger than yourself is an important aspect of being a happy, healthy and functional person.

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to brighten someone else’s day. Here are some ideas to get you started!

Pay a Compliment

Giving someone else a compliment can be a great boost for their self-esteem. Commenting on someone’s hair or clothing in a positive way always goes down well. You could even go a step further and tell someone something you appreciate about them. For example, tell someone they’re a great listener, or tell them they’re a ray of sunshine in your day. People don’t pay compliments enough!

Pay Someone’s Bill

Being in a café can give you a great feeling of being surrounded by a social buzz. But most people stay at their tables, self-absorbed by their days. Next time you’re in a café, take a look around, and pick someone to be the recipient of your random act of kindness. For example, paying for someone’s coffee and cake can really touch their heart.

Notes for Your Loved Ones

Many families lead rushed lives. Different schedules mean people are often coexisting in the same space, without talking or properly seeing each other some days. Leaving a loved one a note around the house every once in a while is a great way to reconnect. It shows you’re thinking of them, and will make them feel warm and fuzzy inside, even when you’re not all together.

Give a Gift

Everyone loves presents, so giving someone an unexpected gift is a wonderful way to brighten someone’s day. Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine’s Day are all times when gifts tend to be expected. Instead choose a day when there’s nothing much going on. For example, a Monday morning in winter is the perfect occasion to give a random gift. Your choice of gift could be anything. Think about appealing to the recipient’s foodie side too. A personalized photo mug – perhaps filled with warming hot chocolate, a gourmet lunch in a new bento lunchbox, or a hamper filled with treats, will all sate someone’s appetite and make them feel good!

Strike Up A Conversation

It’s a common habit for people to stay in their own worlds and social circles. But starting up a conversation with someone can really help to feed their feeling of socially-induced positivity for the day. Standing in line at a store, in an elevator, or in waiting room situations can be the perfect opportunity. Start easy by commenting on the weather, or asking someone where they got their jacket from. You never know, you may end up meeting someone really interesting, or having the conversation of a lifetime!

Old Friends

Many old friendships wither over time for no particular reason. People get busy, forget to stay in touch, and soon enough it’s been a year or more since you’ve had contact. Of course, they could have tried to get in touch with you too. But you’ll never hang onto friends for too long with that attitude. So send someone you haven’t spoken to in a while a message. It could just be a text message or a short email. You never know what’s been going on in peoples’ lives in the meantime, and you might just make their day.


There’s always a good reason to bake. Next time you’re in a cooking mood, make some cookies or cupcakes, and double the quantities of all the ingredients. Not only will members of your household appreciate coming home to a sweet treat, you could give some of the extras to friends or neighbors.

Send Flowers

It’s one of the ultimate feel-good gestures of all time. Flowers make people feel good because they’re a gift, they’re fresh and they’re vibrant. They’ll brighten up anyone’s day, and their house. Don’t wait for a special occasion – send someone flowers when you know they’ll be at home, and just imagine their pleasure when they open the front door!