The following is a list of links to useful resources for those interested in Medieval & Renaissance Studies. (To submit pertinent links not found here or to report outdated/broken links, please email [email protected]. Thanks to Karl Steel, who kindly contributed the vast bulk of this list.)


Bible Studies


The Ante-Nicene Fathers
Bible Gateway (search various versions of the Bible)
Bibliotheca Augustana (Collection of writings in Latin ranging from the Classical era to the Renaissance)
Bibliography on the Biblical Commentary Tradition
Christian Classics Library (theological writings from the early Christian era to the present)
Church Fathers’ Writings
Douay-Rheims Bible
Patrologia Latina




Reading Middle Welsh


Early Modern English
The Skelton Project
Early English Drama & Performance

Middle English
Ancrene Wisse Project EETS
Anthology of Middle English Literature
English Poetry Database (requires Columbia login)
Harvard’s Chaucer Page, including Chaucer’s Pronunciation (with audio files)
History of Prose Style: |1|2|3|4|5|6|
Medieval Literature and History Page
Middle English Compendium (including the Middle English Dictionary)
Online Companion to Middle English Lit
The Ormulum Project
Robbins Library Digital Projects  (including Camelot Project & Robin Hood Project)
UNC’s Chaucer Metapage
TEAMS Middle English Texts
Verb Movement in Old and Middle English

Old English
The Anglo-Saxon Plant-Name Survey
The Beowulf Project
The British Library’s Lindisfarne Gospels
Dream of the Rood


Old and Middle French
The Anglo-Norman Online Hub
BDHL (database of French literature through the ages)
Chansons de Geste Par Ordre Alphabetique
French Renaissance Paleography (Newberry Library)
Literature of the French Middle Ages
Medieval French Lyric Poetry
Old French Language and Literature


Medieval Italian
Columbia University Digital Dante
Princeton University Dante Project


Manuscripts, Art, and Architecture

The Aberdeen Bestiary
Bibliotheque Nationale de France Manuscripts
Caxton Canterbury Tales
Digital Scriptorium
Durham Priory Library Recreated
Early Manuscripts at Oxford
Getty Conservation Institute Book, Historical Painting Techniques, Materials, and Studio Practice
Index of Christian Art
International Center for Medieval Art
Medieval English Church Murals
The Manuscripts Lab
Online exhibition of liturgical books (a comprehensive online exhibition with descriptions, definitions, bibliography, and more)
Piers Plowman Electronic Archive 
Poissy Processional (Bryn Mawr Special Collections)
Romanesque Art and Architecture
Virtual Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (vHMML)
Virtual St. Stephen’s Chapel, Westminster: Visual and Political Culture, 1292-1941
Web Gallery of Art (from 12th century on)


Miscellaneous Medieval

Byzantine Studies On the Internet
Corpus Documentale Latinum Cataloniae
The Digital Pilgrim Project
Dream of Rood Project Links Page (Old English and miscellaneous resources)
Georgetown University’s collection of medieval resources
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
Hilander Research Library (large collection of medieval Slavic manuscripts)
Historical Soundscapes of Andalusia
Iter Community Commons
Jewish Encyclopedia
Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews
Latin Library’s Medieval Latin Text Collection
Medieval Bookshop (mail-order medieval-only bookshop)
Medieval Church in England
Medieval English Towns
Medieval Sourcebook: High Medieval Church Life
Medieval Studies on the Internet Hub (in German)
The Middle Ages Online (hosted by Louisiana State University)
NetSERF (another hub for medieval internet resources)
Online Medieval and Classical Library
Philip Schaff’s 1910 History of the Christian Church
Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England Project
Silva Rhetoricae: The Forest of Rhetoric (vocabulary of rhetorical terms)
The Stoic Legacy
Umilta (collection of websites on Julian of Norwich and others)



Chant Manuscripts at Columbia University
Refrain – Music, Poetry, Citation: the Medieval Refrain


Scholarly Societies

The Anglo-Saxon Studies Colloquium
The British Shakespeare Association
The Dante Society
International Arthurian Society (in Dutch)
The Medieval Academy
The New Chaucer Society
The Medieval Institute in Kalamazoo
Postmedieval’s Online Forum
The Renaissance Society of America
The Shakespeare Association of America