On June 26, USAID and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) opened an exhibition of photos telling the stories of several Kazakhstani injection drug users and how methadone treatment programs helped them to overcome their addiction. The photos, by award-winning photojournalist Nick Danziger, aim to decrease stigma and discrimination against injection drug users and those who suffer from HIV.
Caption: Vitaliy Vinogradov (Project Coordinator, UNI) with a sign: “A Chance for Human – The Solution for Society.” // Right: Lubov Chubukova (Manager, Kazakh Union of People Living with HIV) with a sign: “Opioid Substitution Therapy – My Chance
Caption: Left to right: Vitaliy Vinogradov & YG Lee (Project Coordinators, UNI), Aidar Kapasov (Director, Human Health Institute)
Injection users, many whom have HIV, face a great deal of stigma and discrimination. Very often, these individuals suffer in silence and are unable to receive help or assistance. One exhibition is aiming to change that
Caption: The photo exhibition “Every Human Matters”.
On the day of the launch, a special meeting was held at the exhibition for community organizations and individuals who support harm-reduction treatment. Yong Gun “YG” Lee and Vitaliy Vinogradov, coordinators from UNI (a social network-based intervention based out of GHRCCA) participated in the meeting, and benefited from the exchange of ideas and networking.
The photo exhibition was open through July 3 on the Astana Arbat.
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