Teacher Education

Week of June 29 in Teacher Ed News

GESCI. #COVID19: GESCI Trained Teacher Conducts Online Classes For Students In Tanzania   Mr. Kichumisa is among 400 teachers in Tanzania who have been trained through the African Digital Schools Initiative (ADSI ) which is implemented by GESCI…

International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030. Supporting teachers in back-to-school efforts: A toolkit for school leaders   Section IV – Teacher Preparation And Learning

Times Higher Education. Online education: how Hong Kong got ahead of the game   …these initiatives were more demanding on lecturers, and required additional resources and teacher training.


AACTE. How Educators Can Turn Grief into Action   Besides, it’s not the job of Black teachers to fix the problems of White Supremacy. The most important thing you can do is prepare yourself to teach in a way that liberates your students.  You should be teaching for abolition.

Charlotte Observer. Cooper signs bills into law on prisoner education, cybersecurity and teaching programs   On HB 1096, Cooper sent out the following statement: “Expanding the Teaching Fellows program will get North Carolina’s brightest students committed to teaching in our state’s classrooms. We should include HBCUs in the expansion to improve diversity at the front of the classroom, which research shows can improve student performance,” 

Chronicle. Andrea Burrows, an associate professor in the School of Teacher Education at the University of Wyoming, has been named associate dean for undergraduate programs in the College of Education.

EducationNext. The Stubborn Myth of “Learning Styles”   …research shows that in 29 states, government-distributed test-preparation materials on high-stakes certification exams include the debunked theory of “learning styles,” which holds that matching instruction to students’ preferred mode of learning—seeing, listening, or physically engaging in content-aligned activities, for example—is beneficial

1) NEA’s Lily Eskelsen García Talks Racial Justice, COVID Layoffs, and Leaving Office   The work that is going to be with us forever, at least in my lifetime, is really going to be having people focus on trying to fix public schools… “Let’s make it more competitive to be a teacher, let’s make it harder to be a teacher, let’s make it easier to be a teacher, let’s do it online.” Everybody kept saying, “There are some schools that have so little, how are we going to get them the best teachers?”
2) Recruiting and Retaining Diverse Teachers: Why It Matters, Ways to Do It   Future teachers of color are also being recruited among current K-12 school employees through Grow Your Own (GYO) Educator programs. Criteria for each varies. Some GYO programs, for instance, require participants to have bachelor’s degrees; others don’t. 

Louisville Courier Journal. Kentucky Board of Education names finalists in search for state’s next education chief    Vasquez Heilig came to the top seat at UK’s education school in 2019 after a stint at California State University, Sacramento. He is a “prolific scholar,” co-authoring dozens of reports on topics including racial equity and teacher preparation…

LPI. Connecting K-12 and Higher Education Through the Use of Performance Assessments 3pm July 21 [Webinar registration] Prospective teachers misperceive Black children as angry   Prospective teachers appear more likely to misperceive Black children as angry than white children, which may undermine the education of Black youth, according to new research published by the American Psychological Association.

Teaching Tolerance. Teaching Hard History Key Concept Videos

The Atlantic. What Anti-racist Teachers Do Differently: They view the success of black students as central to the success of their own teaching.   Anti-racist teachers take black students seriously. They create a curriculum with black students in mind…They seek support from colleagues who are effective teachers for all of their students, including black students…

USC Office of Educational Outreach. Spurring Innovation Through Collaboration in Rural South CarolinaThe state’s first comprehensive, university-based alternative preparation program leverages the power of micro-credentials to promote job-embedded professional learning, provides localized coaching inspired by the Carolina Coaching model developed through the Carolina Teacher Induction Program, and includes graduate credit that can be used toward an advanced degree.


New York State Education Department Office of Higher EducationEducator Preparation Newsletter June 2020
* Emergency Covid-19 Certificate.
* Teaching Assistant Certificates
* Fingerprinting Fee Increase
* New York State edTPA Full Refund and Replacement Voucher Information
* New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (NTSTCE) Test Development Activities


Big Education Ape. White Hero Teacher and White Paternalism (#3)  Christopher Emdin teaches at Columbia University Teacher College… I always ask my teachers why do they want to teach and I can tell by their responses how closely the white savior narrative is imbued in who they are or who they want to be. I always say, if you’re coming into a place to save somebody then you’ve already lost because young people don’t need saving. They have brilliance, it’s just on their own terms.

Chalkbeat. Back to school? Any NYC family can opt for full-time remote learning this fall   Individual schools will likely grapple for weeks on what next year will look like. At the same time they will need more teachers to cover smaller classes for in-person learning…

By Dwight Manning

Associate Director for Assessment, Outreach and Programming Support, Office of Teacher Education, Teachers College, Columbia University

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