Student Union Open Letter (11/11/2021)

Hello CSSW Students,

I want to begin by thanking our Veterans for their dedication and service to our country, and the world. THANK YOU!

Last evening, myself and a few of the Student Union officers met with Dean Melissa Begg and some administrators in regards to the Open Letter that was sent by Student Union a week ago.  I would like to share with you some takeaways from our discussion.

We had asked for some of the policies at CSSW to be relaxed, or dismissed during the current UAW Student Workers strike.  While everyone at the conversation last evening agrees for a fair and equitable end of the strike, we also understand, as social justice change agents,  the importance of being in solidarity with our Ph.D. and Graduate student workers at Columbia University.

A key point of our discussion was focused on our request for a relaxed attendance policy. This request, for the sake of all students at CSSW has been agreeably withdrawn, as the policy on attendance comes from authoritative agencies outside of Columbia, and in hindsight, was a harmful request on my part as representatives of this student body.  By requesting a relaxation in attendance, in essence, would be harmful toward the educational value at CSSW, along with jeopardizing ones ability to complete the time requirements placed on CSSW to provide instructional requirements for our degrees and licensure.

I want to thank the faculty and teaching staff who have chosen other platforms for instruction, outside of the campus.  I do know the challenges of being online, and zoom fatigue is a real thing – please remember self-care.

Something that was mentioned during our conversation last evening that is disturbing is that students have chosen, on their own, to abandon their education by not attending classes.  CSSW has a lenient attendance policy of 3 absences before it affects your grades. I want to make it clear that the Student Union does not back the decision to boycott classes, and while we are adults and allowed to make our own choices, this is a very expensive choice, with negative outcomes.  Please have discussions with your instructors, advisors, or student services if you have extenuating circumstances that require an absence.

Some alternatives to consider, and these are ones that we support.  JOIN the picket line! Write to President Bollinger & Provost Boyce to express your concerns regarding the strike.  Please let your CSSW Student Union Representatives and CSSW University Senator know your concerns. SUPPORT financially those who are on strike, and are not collecting a paycheck.  For more information, follow this link

In closing, I again wish to thank all our students, faculty, teaching staff, CSSW staff and administration for their support, and understanding as we move forward in very challenging times, outside and inside Columbia University.  I also invite you to attend the (virtual) Student Union General Meeting on Thursday, November 18 at 7pm.  Please watch for the zoom link, and agenda that will be sent to you in the beginning of next week.

In Solidarity,
Dan DeBrucker-Cota
President, CSSW Student Union

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