“Energía para la ciudad” (Energy for the city). Episode 6 of “Después de todo, la ciudad” (The city, after all), in Spanish and English. March 31. Available on Spotify or Google Podcasts.
“Wie Energienutzung Gesellschaften prägt” (How Energy Use Shapes Societies), in German, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, March 29.
Carbon Critique Podcast, Episode 2, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam
“Carbon Democracy: Fossil Fuels, Power, Transition & Democratic Decline,” Cosmopolitan Shipwrecks, DiEMtv
“Year Zero 2: Black Gold Fever,” Trillbilly Worker’s Party.
“What Does it Mean to ‘Reopen the Economy’?” On the Media, National Public Radio/WNYC, May 1.
FLOATS (Floating Laboratory on Action and Theory at Sea), “On the Politics of Carbon, Oil, Labor and the Sea,” Timothy Mitchell interviewed by FLOATS navigator Dr. Nikolas Kosmatopoulos (American University of Beirut).
The Dig, with Daniel Denvir, a podcast from Jacobin magazine: Part I, “Petro-Capitalism with Timothy Mitchell,” April 10; Part II “Petro-Imperialism with Timothy Mitchell,” April 13.
Cultures Of Energy Podcast, Episode 57. Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Human Sciences, Rice University.
“An Interview with Timothy Mitchell, Co-Editor of Comparative Studies of South Asian, Africa, and the Middle East,” Duke University Press Blog, December 16.
“Oil and the Vulnerable Networks of Capital,” Interview and roundtable book discussion in al-Shargh (Tehran), September 25, pp. 9, 10.
“City Talks: Timothy Mitchell on the Materialities of Political Economy and Colonial History”. An interview with Omar Jabary Salamanca and Nasser Abourahme, Jadaliyya, Nov 17, 2015.
“Interrupting the Future: A Conversation with Timothy Mitchell,” The Leap: System Change on a Deadline, April 10, 2015
“Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil by Timothy Mitchell. It’s not exactly a festive read, but this analysis of the politics behind climate change deserves to be widely shared. The Guardian, December 29.
“Specialist knowledge, carbon democracy, and local technicalities as basis for the ‘international’:” An interview with Timothy Mitchell by Peer Schouten, in International Relations and the Global Politics of Science And Technology, Vol. 1: Approaches, Concepts, And Interdisciplinary Conversations, edited by Maximilian Mayer, Mariana Carpes, Ruth Knoblich. Springer, 245-250.
“Timothy Mitchell on Infra-Theory, the State Effect, and the Technopolitics of Oil,” Theory Talks, October 25, 2013.
“British scholar Timothy Mitchell: Islamization of Egyptian society as a new kind of colonialism: An Interview,” al-Masri al-Yawm (Cairo), May 8.
“Can the pipe speak? An interview with Timothy Mitchell,” Estudios de la Economía, February 26, 2013
Interview by Julia Elyachar, Public Culture, 24:3, 2012.
“De la démocratie du charbon à la pétrocratie: Entretien,” Revue des Livres, Mo. 5, May-June 2012
“Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil:” A Conversation with Professor Timothy Mitchell, Project on Middle East Political Science, February 8, 2012.
Interview on Monopátia tís sképsis (Paths of Thought), ET1 (Greek Public Television)
Interview in American Voices of Dissent. Edited by Gabriele Zamparini and Lorenzo Meccoli. London: Paradigm Publishers.
Interview in XXI Century, video, 56 minutes, dir. Gabriele Zamparini.
“The Represented and the ‘Real’: Economy, Postmodernity, and Post-Orientalist Research.” Interview in disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory. No 5, REASON INCorporated. pp. 87-104.
Interview, in City of the Dead and the World Exhibitions, video, 76 minutes, dir. Julian Samuel.