A selection of public lectures and presentations
“Celebrating Michael Gilsenan,” New York University, December 5. Video and edited text published on Jadaliyya, March 29
January 16: Public Lecture, University College, London.
January 14: “Goodbye Green Growth? Why the Problem of Growth Misidentifies our Predicament,” University of Bath, Institute for Policy Research.
September 26, “Capital as the Consuming of the Future,” University Seminar on Political Economy and Contemporary Social Issues, Columbia University.
February 12, Seminar on “Energy and Society in the Middle East,” Dartmouth College, New Hampshire.
January 17, 3:00 pm: Public Lecture, Kings College, London.
January 15, 4:00 pm: “No Business of Yours: How the Large Corporation Swallowed the Future,” University of Bath, Institute for Policy Research, The Arts Lecture Theatre, The Edge.
November 30, 3:00 pm: “Through and Beyond the Politics of Carbon,” Sawyer Seminar on Equity in Energy, University of California Santa Barbara
October 8, 4:30 pm: Klopsteg Lecture, Science in Human Culture Program, Northwestern University. “On Capitalization.”
May 8, 7:30 pm: Keynote address, Conference on “Palestine in a Changing Region,” Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Institute of International Studies, Birzeit University, Palestine.
April 6, 4:00 pm: ISA Theory Section, Distinguished Scholar Roundtable with Timothy Mitchell. International Studies Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Feb 12, 6:00 pm: Lecture Series on Grand Narratives/Modest Proposals, at the Center for Humanities, Wesleyan University. “On Capitalization”.
Feb 4, 2:00 pm: Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar. Public Lecture
Sep 12-15: I Dialoghi di San Giorgio, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice: “What’s the Body of the Body Politic? Sovereignty, Identity, Ecology.”
June 9: Ester Boserup Prize Lecture, University of Copenhagen.
May 2: Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Max Plank Institute for the History of Science. Lecture on “Who Gets the Credit? The Production of the Future under Modern Capitalism.”
April 21, The Heilbroner Center for Capitalism Studies first annual Graduate Student Fellows Symposium, “What’s the Matter with Capitalism,” Keynote Lecture, The New School, New York.
April 3, Weatherhead Initiative on Global History, Department of History, Harvard University: Seminar presentation on “Durability: A History of the Future”.
March 31: Carnegie Mellon University Energy Week, Symposium on Contesting Energy: Labor, Culture and Politics: Keynote Lecture, “The Energy for Democracy.”
March 23: The 2017 Reading Lecture, Department of History, Colgate University.