Archive for message

aye carumba!

Application materials continue to come in… flooding our mailboxes.  We receive a lot of paper for an application that allows applicants to upload everything electronically.  These documents will all be processed and uploaded into the applicants’ files.

We continue to respond to emails and voice mails — proudly I can say we are finally all caught up, which means that there are no email/voice mails sitting in our main SIPA Admissions mailbox for more than 24 hours — a huge feat during this BUSY season with messages hitting us day and night.  We are lucky to have super students and admissions counselors responding to them as quickly as they can — because we all know how frustrating it can be to wait for a response when you are trying to decide what to upload into your application.  Hopefully we can stay at this pace for the next few months.

To help us comb through the paper and emails faster, please do not send any additional supplemental materials that we do not require from you.  And again, official documents do not need to be submitted for your application to be reviewed.  You may submit copies.  Official documents are only required if you have been admitted into our program.  Also, it will be helpful if you send us an email attachment with materials, to include your name and the program you are applying in the subject line.  Many thanks.

Reading process has started and is going well with our new application system — Readers seem to be happier; it’s always better to have a happy reader.  Looking forward to getting through some of my reads this week (happily).


Top 10 Tips for Communicating With Us No.5: When leaving a voicemail, speak slowly and state your telephone number twice

Updated: March 2016

This is the fifth entry in our “Top 10″ list for you to consider when communicating with our office and applying.

Number 5 – When leaving a voicemail, speak slowly and state your telephone number twice

As much as we would like to answer every call someone makes to our office, sometimes all of our lines are in use, and you will be put through to voicemail. Also, sometimes there is static or background noise, and we may not be able to clearly hear your message.

Speaking slowly and stating your telephone number twice will help ensure that we can get back you. Our recommendation is actually to email our office rather than leave a voicemail. We can check email much more quickly and can provide very detailed information in email messages. And we do not have to worry about time zones (see bonus tip below).

Also, if you are a current or incoming student, please give all identifying information, especially your University ID (UNI) or CUID. It is difficult to follow up on a financial aid query that is specific to you without this information. Going back to tip No. 1, we also recommend using the same email address each time you contact us.

It is also helpful to compile a list of questions prior to calling our office and after checking the website. We can work with you to answer all of your questions but the process is often more streamlined if you know beforehand what information you are looking for.

Bonus Tip: If leaving a voicemail message, also state your city and country (for time zone purposes). We get applications from over 100 countries each year, and people call from all over the world. Stating your location will assist us, however this is another reason we recommend email – we can respond any time and possibly will not wake you when calling at what may be business hours for us, and sleeping hours for you.

"The most global public policy school, where an international community of students and faculty address world challenges."

—Merit E. Janow, Dean, SIPA, Professor of Practice, International and Economic Law and International Affairs

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