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A few scholarships to note


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Each year, many of our students receive financial support from sources other than SIPA and Columbia University. But they didn’t stumble upon those sources by chance. We’ve realized that it can be time consuming searching the web for potential sources of financial aid, and want to offer you a helping hand. Below are five outside funding opportunities with deadlines that are fast approaching.

You can find many external funding sources by checking out our External Funding Page, where there are more than 240 different outside scholarships, grants and fellowships available for our outstanding students and those interested in public policy programs. Just keep in mind that external or outside awards may affect eligibility for student loans. There are also external funding sources that SIPA provides partial matches for, increasing recipients’ funding. Thus, notify the SIPA Financial Aid Office if you’ve received any additional funding, so that  you do not miss out on any other funding opportunities.

If you have any questions about financial aid, contact us at 212-854-6216 or at [email protected]

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"The most global public policy school, where an international community of students and faculty address world challenges."

—Merit E. Janow, Dean, SIPA, Professor of Practice, International and Economic Law and International Affairs

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