A day in Admissions

9am: [large] coffee in hand, I was ready to conquer the applications I left sitting on my desk the night before…

then the day got started…

9:30am: followed up on some emails.  counted days left before majority of the admission decisions are released in March <panic>.

10am: Fellowship Committee Meeting — reevaluating how funds are dispersed for 1st and 2nd year students.

11am: crunched some application numbers — approximately 90% of applications submitted are complete.  If you haven’t sent in your missing documents — you know who you are — please send them in.

12pm: MIA/MPA information Session today —  Thank you for joining us!

2pm – 5pm: I blocked a couple of hours today to read files but with the multiple interruptions throughout the day from conversations about Disneyland and peanut M&Ms (an office favorite) to calming over anxious callers to mandatory computer software updates… I was only able to live vicariously through a few applicants as they talked about their commitment to public service and their exploration of the world and of themselves… Unfortunately, by the end of the day the stack did not get much shorter — not a very productive reading day.

5pm:  take a break to recap the day on the Admissions Blog, which I have dreadfully neglected for weeks.

6pm:  somehow more files have found their way into my office.   Guess I will have some interesting reading this weekend (while my babies nap).