Top 10 Tips for Communicating With Us No. 10: Subscribe to this blog

Updated: March 2016

This is the tenth and final entry in our “Top 10″ list for you to consider when communicating with our office and applying.

Number 10 – Subscribe to this blog!

The best way to stay up-to-date regarding matters of admission is to subscribe to this blog.  Yes, the SIPA website is a great source of information, and you should familiarize yourself with it, but for the most part the website is static and rarely updated.  We try to update it as needed, but the blog is much more informative as far as the day-to-day things going on in our office.

At the top of the menu to the right, there is hyperlinked text that says “Click here to subscribe to the Blog.” Simply enter your email and each and every time this blog is updated, you will receive an email message letting you know here is new content.

Why is it a good idea to subscribe?  Well, for one we try to monitor common questions and post answers to the site for mass consumption.  Two, this is your window into the admission cycle.  We will update you on what is going on in our office.  And finally, this is a great way to find out more about what is going on at SIPA and to learn about fellowship opportunities.  You can consider this to be the most interactive web space concerning matters of admission and financial aid.