Measuring Shared Reality

I have developed several measures of shared reality (i.e., the perception of sharing the same feelings, judgments, or beliefs with others):

Generalized shared reality (SR-G) about the world at large:

    • Self-report: the interaction-specific Generalized Shared Reality (SR-G) measure (for individuals to rate about a given conversation with a new acquaintance or familiar partner)
      • Sample items: “During our interaction… we thought of things at the exact same time”; “…we saw the world in the same way”
    • Self-report: the cross-situational Generalized Shared Reality (SR-G)  measure (for individuals to rate about a familiar relationship partner)
      • Sample items: “We frequently think of things at the exact same time”; 
        “We often feel like we have created our own reality
    • Behavioral coding scheme: behavioral signals of Generalized Shared Reality (for observers to rate about a given conversation between new acquaintances or familiar partners)
        • Sample behaviors: expressing agreement, saying things at the same time, finishing each other’s sentences

Target-specific shared reality (SR-T) about a particular topic (e.g., an event, object, or third person):