“Between Statutes and Dharma: The Regulation and the Punishment of the Mongolian Monks in the Early Qing Period” (國法與教法之間: 清朝前期對蒙古僧人的禁限及懲處 ──以《理藩院滿蒙文題本》中蒙古僧人坐罪案例為核心). Journal of History and Anthropology 歷史人類學學刊 15/2 (2017): 187-220.
“Between Statutes and Dharma: The Regulation and the Punishment of the Mongolian Monks in the Early Qing Period” (國法與教法之間: 清朝前期對蒙古僧人的禁限及懲處 ──以《理藩院滿蒙文題本》中蒙古僧人坐罪案例為核心). Journal of History and Anthropology 歷史人類學學刊 15/2 (2017): 187-220.