Update: The upgrade is complete as of 10am July 29.
We are planning to upgrade WordPress along with all themes and plugins on Friday morning 29 July from 8-10am. WordPress will be unavailable for periods of time during the upgrade process.
If your site was created beforeĀ 8am on Friday 7/14, please check it on the already-upgraded WordPress staging server by going to your dashboard and clicking on the link in the message at the top. Send mail to [email protected] if you notice any issues. If your site is newer than this, it hasn’t been copied to the staging server and you won’t be able to check it in advance of the production upgrade.
If you use the plugin “Viper’s Video Quicktags” on your site, be aware that the plugin has been discontinued because WordPress now includes these functions natively. You can read here for more information: http://www.viper007bond.com/2016/07/04/vipers-video-quicktags-wordpress-plugin-discontinued/
Note: Although the migrator plugin installed without issue on our test and staging servers, it would not install on the production server. Anyone who was using the plugin Viper’s Video Quicktags may see issues. Although we are continuing to try to get the Viper’s Migrator to work, you may want to use WordPress’s native functions to re-embed your videos. Take a look here to see instructions: https://codex.wordpress.org/Embeds/
We’ve installed the new migration plugin, so your site should continue to work properly with no effort on your part, but it would be a good idea to check your site carefully.
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